After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 536 1 family of 3?

Chapter 536 A family of three?
And she's sitting in the back row!

Just as Ou Ruting was about to step into the car, Han Jianfeng suddenly stopped her and told her to sit in the back row.

Ou Ruting originally insisted on sitting in the co-pilot seat, but Han Jianfeng didn't allow it at that time!
Think about it, time flies so fast, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye!

At that time, Han Jianfeng was really indifferent, even to Ou Ruting whom he had known for more than ten years and liked!
Hu Xianya still remembered that at that time, because Ou Ruting was treated coldly by Han Jianfeng, she secretly had a good time.

At that time, all her happiness came from Han Jianfeng, and of course all her sorrows also came from him.

He is all in my heart and eyes, so I let myself live so passively.

When Han Jianfeng returned from taking out the trash, he got into the car and searched the car, but he didn't seem to find what he was looking for.

Hu Xianya took a deep look at him, then opened the bag and handed over the wet tissue inside.

I still learned the habit of carrying wet wipes with me, and all doctors have a little bit of cleanliness.

Han Jianfeng looked at the tissue she handed over, and was stunned for a moment, then took it, and said: "Thank you."

Hu Xianya didn't respond!
After Han Jianfeng finished wiping his hands, he started the car, and then looked at Hu Xianya in the rearview mirror: "Where are you going? Going home?"

"Please take me to the company."

At the entrance of the company, Hu Xianya hugged the little boy and got out of the car. She thought Han Jianfeng would go back just like that, but she didn't expect that he had already chased after him before entering the company gate.

Hu Xianya looked at him suspiciously: "Is there anything else?"

The slight alienation caused Han Jianfeng's eyes to darken, but he quickly responded: "Let me take care of Zai Zai for you, so that he won't cry later, you don't know what to do!"

It turned out that I was afraid that the child would cry again!
A sense of loss suddenly crossed Hu Xianya's heart, but this feeling came and disappeared quickly, and she nodded lightly at him in response: "Well, that's okay."

After saying that, he handed the cub to him!

Hu Xianya walked in front, and Han Jianfeng walked in the back with the child in his arms. The posture of the two of them walking in the company was a bit weird no matter what, so that when the two of them entered the company's gate, they provoked frequent crowds. look sideways.

After a while, photos of their family of three flooded the screens of the company's major chat groups!
"Is this Mr. Hu's husband? The children are so big, but Mr. Hu's husband is so handsome, and the posture of holding the child is so pleasing to the eye."

"Didn't it mean that Mr. Hu is not married yet, woo woo, my goddess."

"Good cabbage has been arched by pigs!"

"I think you're a pig, right? Her husband is so handsome, and they match well together, okay?"

However, the protagonists of this series of discussion topics do not know!
He quickly got on the elevator and arrived at the president's office!
As soon as he appeared, the assistant quickly greeted him, but when he suddenly saw Han Jianfeng behind Hu Xianya, he was stunned: "President Han?"

The company has cooperation with Han's, so the assistant knows Han Jianfeng.

Han Jianfeng nodded at him naturally: "Hello!"

Now it's the assistant's turn to be embarrassed, holding a child and following behind their boss, what does that mean?

(End of this chapter)

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