After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 548 Stabbed Viciously Once

Chapter 548 Stabbed Viciously
It's just that he didn't want to say that just after he finished speaking, Han Jianfeng suddenly leaned over while leaning on the sofa!

Hu Xianya was startled, her pupils dilated instantly, staring at Han Jianfeng who was close at hand, she didn't dare to move.

"What are you going to do?"

Han Jianfeng's eyes were as deep as ink, looking at Hu Xianya, he suddenly said: "I hate that I'm not strong enough, huh? I hate that I'm not young enough, eh? I hate that I'm not handsome enough, huh?"

Hu Xianya:
What do you mean?
"It's useless to dislike you, you can only be my wife."

"Who is your wife? I'm single." Hu Xianya immediately retorted with her glasses wide open.

"Single, huh?" Han Jianfeng suddenly lowered himself a bit.

Hu Xianya could clearly feel the heat emanating from Han Jianfeng's body. The breath was so familiar. She liked it the most in the past, and of course she seems to like it now, otherwise her heartbeat wouldn't suddenly speed up!
"What are you doing? Can you stay away from me?" Hu Xianya stretched out her hand and pushed Han Jianfeng, trying to push him away.

"Hu Xianya."

But it didn't seem to have any effect, Han Jianfeng remained motionless, and even called her.

Hu Xianya's movements suddenly paused, and she raised her eyes to meet Han Jianfeng's.

"Whether you are Wang Xuan'er or Hu Qianya, you can only be my wife, Han Jianfeng. If you want to follow other men, you can try. I'm not afraid of taking any responsibility, but you can only be mine. "

"Hehe." Hearing what Han Jianfeng said, Hu Qianya suddenly sneered: "Han Jianfeng, what face do you have to say such a thing?"

"When I followed you all day long, when I followed you like a follower all day long, what did you do? At that time, do you know how much I wished you could look at me more, how much I wished you at that time Be nice to me, but what did you do at that time? Don’t you think it’s too late for you to talk to me now?”

"Your attitude towards me at the beginning, do you think it doesn't matter after it's over? You don't care anymore, but Han Jianfeng, let me tell you, I will never forget it."

When she came to him back then, she was so looking forward to and so excited, but what did she get in exchange?
What he got in exchange was his indifference to her, what he got in return was his ruthlessness to her, what he got in return was his cold blood towards her!

She endured so much being by his side, and even thought about leaving him with hope after she left, so that she wouldn't be lonely and sad!
As everyone knows, all of what I have done is just my own self-indulgence!

How pathetic and ironic!

The more Hu Xianya thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved, her eyes turned red unconsciously, filled with tears, she pointed to her heart: "Han Jianfeng, do you know, if you get hurt here, Wounds, wounds are difficult to heal. I once held my sincere heart and wanted to give it to you for safekeeping, but you took a knife and stabbed it severely. "

"Such a deep cut, I almost died, you know?"

"If it wasn't for my father and mother, I would have died a long time ago!"

"Do you think that with your few words now, I can be as happy as before, regardless of everything, and stay by your side without regard for anything?"

"You're wrong Han Jianfeng, even if he is a fool, he will know who is good or bad to her after being stabbed."

(End of this chapter)

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