After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 56 Su Zhen Repents

Chapter 56 Su Zhen Repents
I always like to compare with her, comparing test scores, dressing, and even weight and height that cannot be controlled by myself.

Su Zhaoxue didn't bother to pay attention to her small thoughts, but since she was a child, even if she didn't work hard, her academic performance was better than Su Zhen's, and she was half a head taller than Su Zhen.

As for the weight, Su Zhen almost had her stomach cut in order to lose weight for a while, so she was barely lighter than her.

In general, Su Zhaoxue is better than Su Zhen in everything, except for the issue of identity!

So in the past, she always liked to use her identity as an illegitimate daughter to target Su Zhaoxue, but because of her grandfather, she didn't dare to be upright.

Later, because of Qin Zexi's matter, Su Zhaoxue was kicked out of the Su family, and she was able to feel proud.

Now, no matter what, it is impossible to give Su Zhaoxue to Qin Zexi!

What's more, there is Mei Hong, the bomb who may wake up at any time!

Zhong Lian looked at Su Zhen's outstretched hand, and looked at Qin Zexi with some embarrassment: "Boss."

Qin Zexi looked at Su Zhen, in the dark eyes, there seemed to be turbulent wind and huge waves, faint anger radiated out, the temperature in the room suddenly rose, as if it had risen to the hot summer of July, everyone Everyone was shocked by Qin Zexi's posture, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Zexi, Xiaozhen." Su Cheng felt very anxious, and hurriedly stepped forward to give Su Zhen a hand. This was the one who planned to explain with a flattering smile.

"Tell me, how much liquidated damages will you have to pay if you break the contract." It's just that Qin Zexi didn't have the patience to listen to his explanation at all.

Su Zhaoxue was startled, liquidated damages?
When signing the contract with Su Zhen, because she needed money too urgently, Duoyi didn't think too much about it at all. As for the contract, she didn't look at it carefully at all.

At this time, Su Zhen was very calm, and even laughed: "Sorry Mr. Qin, there is no such thing as liquidated damages in our contract, Su Zhaoxue must accept the job as a red orange artist, and the remuneration she gets is used to repay the debt. If she doesn’t repay, or if she wants to terminate the contract with Hongcheng, then I will take the contract and sue her.”

"You also know how important reputation is to an artist. Even if I can't sue her, Su Zhaoxue's identity will definitely be known to the public. In this society, public opinion is so terrible. You should be Clearly, when the things she did back then are dug out, what do you think will be the consequences."

"Are you threatening me?" Qin Zexi's voice was so cold that ice shards could fall out of the mouth.

Su Zhen suppressed the timidity and fear in her heart: "President Qin, I dare not threaten you, but no matter what happens, there should be a bottom line. Now my bottom line is that I will not hand over Su Zhaoxue."

When Su Zhen's words fell, Qin Zexi suddenly sneered: "Bottom line? Do you think I'll have nothing to do with you if you tell me this now? The Su family is nothing to me, let alone a small Red Orange. Do you think I took Red Orange first, or Su Shi directly?"

"don't want."

Hearing that Qin Zexi was going to accept the Su family, Su Zhaoxue became anxious immediately, and before she even had time to think more, the words came out of her mouth.

The Su family was established by her grandfather's hard work. Even though she didn't want to care about Su Cheng's life and death at all, she couldn't just watch it being merged into other companies and then changed its name because of her grandfather's hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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