After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 565 Admit it

Chapter 565 Admit it

Song still had red eyes, as if he was crazy, and desperately kicked the person who stopped them, as if he was crazy.

But the man stopped in front of them, but he didn't even move.

"Song Yiran, it's useless. You can leave, but Gu Ping can't." Qin Zexi looked at the mother and daughter coldly, as if looking at a pair of strangers who had never known each other before.

Song Yiran stared at her with red eyes: "Qin Zexi, you should call my mother aunt anyway, why are you doing this to her?"

"Auntie? Hehe."

Listening to Song Yiran's words, Qin Zexi suddenly laughed ironically: "Do you think she deserves me to call her aunt? She hurt my parents, wanted to hurt me, and also wanted to hurt grandpa, and even wanted to hurt her." My child? I'm not that magnanimous, and when she tries to kill my relatives again and again, I can still call her aunt kindly."

"If Gu Ping is thinking a little bit of the family relationship between me and her, thinking a little bit of her being in the Gu family, the kindness her grandfather gave her in nurturing her, thinking a little bit of the sisterly love between my mother and her, You won’t do these things that devour your conscience!”

"Grandpa. Grandpa."

Seeing that there was no other way, Song Yiran suddenly let go of Gu Ping, rushed towards Mr. Gu, and then knelt down in front of Mr. Gu: "Grandpa, I know you love me and my mother the most. , I beg you to let us go this time, okay?"

"I promise, I promise, I promise that my mother and I will go far away and never appear in front of you. We don't want any of Gu's property, including those you want to leave to us. Now, Grandpa, I beg you, please, just let us go."

Old man Gu looked at Song Yiran and the tear stains on her crying face, how could he not feel distressed in his heart.

He also watched this granddaughter grow up, longer than Qin Zexi had grown up by his side. Girls always have cute mouths and can always make him happy.

It was also his true thought that he wanted her to marry Qin Zexi.

It's just that I never imagined that things have become such a picture scene now.

"Still, you get up first."

Mr. Gu tried to pull Song Yiran up from the ground, but Song Yiran was very stubborn and refused to get up: "Grandpa, if you don't promise me, I won't get up."

Mr. Gu had no choice but to sigh: "Yiran, grandpa can't agree to this request. This is how the world of adults is. If you make a mistake, you have to bear it. Those mistakes your mother made were not grandpa's. If you don’t pursue a sentence, you can turn over the past.”

"Grandpa will never take back what grandpa promised to you and your mother. It will always be yours."

"It's just you and your mother. From now on, we can no longer be the people who take care of our family."

"Grandpa, you can do it. As long as you say a word, my mother and I can leave right now."

Song still didn't believe it, and pulled Mr. Gu to beg desperately for love!
"Song Yiran, grandpa is not in good health and can't stand you like this. Let him go." Finally, Qin Zexi couldn't stand it anymore, and leaned down sideways, trying to pull Song Yiran away.

"Let me go, Qin Zexi, if it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for Su Zhaoxue, would my mother and I have become like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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