After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 586 Finding Song Yiran

Chapter 586 Finding Song Yiran

Qin Zexi found Song Yiran a week later. At that time, Su Zhaoxue was shocked when he saw her in the hospital.

There were two long scars on his face, his body was bruised and purple, his hair was messy as if he hadn't washed it for a long time, and his thin face had no flesh at all.

I heard from Qin Zexi that he found her in a villa on the outskirts of the city, but there were still several men guarding the entrance of the villa. When he brought people in, Song was still tied up in the house.

There was not a single piece of good clothes on his body, his hair was disheveled like a beggar on the street, his body was bruised and purple, and there were two deep scars on his face.

At that time, Song still seemed to be in a state of excessive fright. Whenever someone approached her, she would scream subconsciously, and then kept waving her hands indiscriminately.

According to those men, they have been here for more than a month, and they brought Song Yiran back from the gate of the Gu family mansion.

That is to say, the day Song Yiran went to get things was brought.

And those men also said that someone gave them a sum of money to do what they were told.

It's just that when Qin Zexi took people there that day, he didn't see the woman, and the men didn't know the woman's name.

Qin Zexi handed over those men to JC, and then took Song Yiran to the hospital!
I dare not tell Mr. Gu Song Yiran's current situation, for fear that he will not be able to bear it.

Because the doctor said that Song was still pregnant, not long ago, almost a month.

And Song was still stimulated, and now his sanity is a little unclear.

When Qin Zexi brought Song Yiran in, the nurse seemed to be checking her body, and there was still an injection on her wrist. She lay quietly on the bed without moving.

He just heard a noise, and when he turned his head over, he didn't know what was going on, and suddenly jumped up from the bed. He didn't even care about the needle, and ran towards Qin Zexi, and then ducked to hide Behind him, she looked at the bewildered nurse who was still in front of the hospital bed as if she was very frightened.

Qin Zexi frowned and wanted to avoid her, but Song Yiran didn't know whether he was really afraid or fake, so he kept pulling Qin Zexi's clothes and followed him: " me, help me I."

At this time, the nurse came over with a cotton swab: "Hey, your needle fell off and it's bleeding."

Because Song Yiran jumped over directly, when the needle fell from her wrist, the blood vessel failed to stop the bleeding in time, and at this moment, the wrist was bleeding continuously.

It's just that Song still didn't let the nurse approach her at all, and kept waving his hands, accompanied by loud screams: "Go away, go away."

The nurse had no choice but to look at Qin Zexi: "Mr. Qin, why don't you come, I don't think she is afraid of you."

Qin Zexi's face had always been dark because Song Yiran had been pulling him, but when he saw the nurse handing over a cotton swab and trying to stop the bleeding, his face suddenly became even darker.

Instead of picking up the cotton swab, he directly pulled away Song Yiran's hand holding his clothes, then quickly walked to Su Zhaoxue's side, hugged her, and then said to the nurse: "If she doesn't want to , let her have a good flow, and she won't die anyway."

The nurse was stunned on the spot, standing where she didn't know what to do!
(End of this chapter)

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