After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 588 Going to see Song Yiran

Chapter 588 Going to see Song Yiran

It happened that Qin Zexi raised his leg and kicked Song Yiran, who was lying on the ground!
It's like jumping into the Yellow River and I can't wash it off!

Qin Zexi was surprised that Mr. Gu would suddenly appear.

Mr. Gu looked at Qin Zexi with a sullen face: "What were you doing just now?"


Qin Zexi was just about to explain!

"Hey, Grandpa." After being kicked to the ground, Song Yiran suddenly got up and ran towards Old Master Gu, knelt on the ground and threw himself into his arms.

"Still, good boy." Old Master Gu seemed very happy, and stroked her hair.

It was only by accident that she discovered the bleeding pinhole on her wrist, and immediately picked up her wrist in shock, and said seriously, "What's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding?"

Song Yiran seemed aggrieved, pouting in the arms of old man Gu, looking at Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue cautiously, as if they were being bullied by Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue, and they were very scared.

"What are you waiting for, come here and stop her bleeding." Mr. Gu yelled at the nurse.

The nurse was in a daze at the moment. Hearing Mr. Gu's words, she had no choice but to trot over quickly, but she hesitated when she approached, fearing that Song Yiran would suddenly go crazy and push her.

When Mr. Gu saw this, he was very angry and shouted: "What are you doing? Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid that she will go crazy later and push me away. I wanted to stop her bleeding just now, but she never let me get close to her."

The nurse also felt aggrieved, but she stepped forward cautiously and took a cotton swab to stop Song Yiran's bleeding.

It's just that this time, she didn't know if she was next to Mr. Gu, so she was very obedient, neither screaming nor pushing her away.

After the bleeding was stopped, the nurse tidied up and went out!
Mr. Gu's complexion has always been bad, and Song Yiran has always been close to him, as if he was very scared.

Mr. Gu said a lot of good things, and Song Yiran obediently went to the hospital bed.

That looked nothing like a irritated patient!
Later, old man Gu comforted her again, and when he saw that she was asleep, he called Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue out of the ward with a sullen face.

After finding a fairly quiet place, Mr. Gu questioned Qin Zexi: "Are you going to tell me?"

Mr. Gu was talking about finding Song Yiran!
"No, it's just that she looks like this. I was afraid you would worry. I originally planned to tell you in a few days." Qin Zexi explained calmly, but what he said was also true.

Mr. Gu seemed very angry: "What's wrong with her? She bled so much just now, and didn't let the nurse help her stop the bleeding?"

"Grandpa, it's Song Yiran who didn't let the nurse approach, not us who didn't allow the nurse to stop the bleeding." Su Zhaoxue couldn't stand it any longer, so she explained for Qin Zexi from the sidelines.

Hearing Su Zhaoxue's words, Mr. Gu's complexion seemed to improve a bit. After a pause, he asked again: "What happened to Yiran? I think her appearance just now is quite normal, but she seems a little scary. "

Su Zhaoxue continued: "The doctor said that she was stimulated, and it might be good and bad. When you went in, you looked at her normally. Maybe it's because you are her relatives. It looks relatively normal."

(End of this chapter)

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