After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 59 Selfish?

Chapter 59 Selfish?

Su Zhaoxue's pupils suddenly dilated, and she desperately shook her head: "No, I don't."

she didn't.
She was only for him, why did she become selfish when she came to him?

"No?" There was an imperceptible sarcasm in Qin Zexi's voice, whether it was towards her or himself.

"Whether there is, you know best in your heart."

After finishing speaking, he let go of his hand, then turned around without hesitation, and walked towards the outside of the meeting room.

With a "bang", the door slammed against the wall, and Zhong Lian and Huang Hongyu outside the meeting room were so startled that they almost hugged each other.

Mom, it's too scary!
"Boss." Zhong Lian stepped forward cautiously, and glanced into the meeting room by the way.

Su Zhaoxue did not follow.

Zhong Lian understood in an instant, it seemed that the boss had run into trouble with Miss Zhaoxue.

Qin Zexi's complexion was extremely ugly, and it was overcast, like the sky before a storm.

Without saying a word, he walked towards the elevator entrance.

Zhong Lian glanced hesitantly at the conference room, but still did not see Su Zhaoxue's figure, feeling helpless and afraid to speak, had to follow.

After pressing the down button, it took about 3 minutes for the elevator to come up from the first floor. During this period, Su Zhaoxue still did not come out.

Qin Zexi's complexion became more and more serious, and the breath around him became colder and colder.

Behind Dong, Zhong Lian and Huang Hongyu were complaining incessantly, not daring to vent their anger.

The elevator is finally here!

The door opened, and Qin Zexi stepped forward!

Zhong Lian and Huang Hongyu followed closely behind!

"You go down."

The moment the elevator door was about to close, Qin Zexi suddenly spoke!

Fortunately, Zhong Lian reacted quickly and pressed the door open button in time.

Huang Hongyu was still at a loss, but Zhong Lian had been with Qin Zexi for so many years, so he naturally knew what he meant.

"Boss Huang, go down and see Miss Su."

Qin Zexi would definitely not go to see Su Zhaoxue because of his face, but he was worried, so he had to ask someone else to go.

Now among the three of them, only Huang Hongyu is the most suitable.

Huang Hongyu glanced at Qin Zexi, seeing that he had no objection, he quickly responded and got off the elevator.

"Mr. Huang, remember to call me later."

When going down, Zhong Lian didn't forget to remind him that the boss would definitely want to know about Miss Zhaoxue's situation.

It's just that the boss wants to save face and suffer, and it's their subordinates who suffer!
After Qin Zexi went out, Su Zhaoxue slumped on the chair at the side with all her strength.

Qin Zexi's cold "selfishness" kept turning in her mind, and her mind was full of these words, and she lay down on the table with a headache.

The tears in his eyes flowed down like he couldn't control it.

How could he say that about her!

How could he say that about her!

When something like that happened back then, he slammed the door and left, never to appear again.

She only knew from Su Zhen's mouth that his parents had a car accident that day and passed away!
She sneaked out to look for him like crazy, but she stopped outside the yard of their house.

The woman looked at her arrogantly: "Qin Zexi let me tell you, don't think that after sleeping with him, he will be responsible for you. He doesn't even bother to look at a woman like you. Your Su family How can this kind of small family be worthy of his identity, the smart ones should get out quickly."

 Guess, who is this woman who is proud of Su Zhaoxue?
  She has something to do with the death of Qin Zexi's parents!

(End of this chapter)

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