After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 590 Take Song Yiran to the Gu Family Mansion

Chapter 590 Taking Song Yiran Back to the Gu Family Mansion
According to Mr. Gu's instructions, he found a nurse for Song Yiran to take care of her specially.

Originally, Qin Zexi planned to send Song Yiran to a psychiatric hospital, but Mr. Gu also had to let go of this idea!
It's just about who made the phone call to Mr. Gu and let Mr. Gu know about Song Yiran, but this has not been clarified yet.

Qin Zexi went to check the phone number, but the other party was an Internet phone, and the actual address displayed was a remote country.

Qin Zexi originally suspected that Song Yiran was pretending to be crazy on purpose, thinking that she must have called back on purpose to inform Mr. Gu.

But after checking it out like this now, it doesn't seem to be the case!
I had to temporarily put this matter aside!
However, the person who kidnapped Song Yiran was found!

When Su Zhaoxue heard Qin Zexi mention the name Xia Sien, she was not as shocked as she expected!

However, I was a little surprised to hear that the child in Xia Sien's womb was due to Song Yiran.

Song still stayed in the hospital for almost a week, it seems that his mental state is still not very good!
Later, Mr. Gu went to see her once, and when he came back, he took Song Yiran back to the Gu family mansion.

Su Zhaoxue was taking care of Niuniu at home at that time, when she saw Song Yiran appearing, she was startled and subconsciously pulled Niuniu into her arms.

"Grandpa...?" Su Zhaoxue was full of doubts in her heart, and wanted to ask clearly, but she called out Mr. Gu, and couldn't utter the words after that.

Mr. Gu was very embarrassed, but he still took Song Yiran's hand, looked at Su Zhaoxue and said apologetically, "Zhaoxue, still she is not used to living in the hospital, so I will bring her back to live for a while, only for a while , I will send her away when she gets better, okay?"

Su Zhaoxue was a little unhappy, but she still had to endure it, and then tried to use a calm tone: "Then did you talk to Qin Zexi?"

Even if Mr. Gu doesn't care about her feelings, but Qin Zexi is his grandson, when he brings Su Zhaoxue back, he should ask Qin Zexi!

"Yeah, I'll talk to him when he comes back." Mr. Gu hesitated for a long time, but finally he said this.

Su Zhaoxue's mood at that time could be described as indescribably furious.

But seeing Mr. Gu's flattering smile, her anger was suppressed by her again.

I had no choice but to hug Niu Niu, and then got up: "Then when he comes back, you can tell him, Niu Niu is going to bed, I have to go back to my room."

At first, Mr. Gu thought about coming back to hug Niuniu, but seeing Su Zhaoxue like that, he had no choice but to swallow the words again.

Glancing at Song Yiran who was standing beside him with an innocent expression on his face, Mr. Gu had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

Qin Zexi didn't come back until dinner, and Su Zhaoxue stayed in the room until the evening before coming out.

Qin Zexi went to ask Su Zhaoxue to come out for dinner, and he hadn't seen Niu Niu all day, what a strange idea!
Just holding Niuniu in my arms, I was ready to go downstairs.

But it was stopped by Su Zhaoxue: "You should give Niuniu to the nanny and let her take Niuniu back to the room. You can come up and hug Niuniu after you finish eating."

(End of this chapter)

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