After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 608 Ou Ruting and Lorna's Plan

Chapter 608 Ou Ruting and Lorna's Plan

Han Jianfeng looked at her coldly: "Isn't my meaning obvious? Didn't you always insist that the child is mine? That's fine, you can raise your baby with peace of mind, and wait for the child to be born at the full moon. Let's make a baby." If the paternity test proves that the child is mine, I will marry you."

Although Han Jianfeng said that he wanted to marry her, to Ou Ruting's ears, every word Han Jianfeng said showed that the child in her womb was not his at all, and he, Han Jianfeng, did not want to marry Ou Ruting at all.

"Han Jianfeng, don't go too far." Ou Ruting was very angry, her chest was heaving in anger, and her tone was heavy.

"If you don't want to marry me, just say, I'm a girl, can I play this kind of joke with you with my innocence?"

Han Jianfeng chuckled ironically: "Now that I know I'm a girl, when I took off my clothes and lay beside me, pretending that I bullied you, why didn't you think that you were a girl?"

"What do you mean by that? Han Jianfeng, don't make me look down on you. You were drunk at the time, so you don't remember anything. I don't blame you for this, but I can't accept you insulting me like this."

"What does it matter to me whether you accept it or accept it?"

Han Jianfeng didn't want to continue talking with her anymore, so he got up and left directly.

Ou Ruting was so angry that she almost cried, and after Han Jianfeng left, she stomped her feet angrily.

Looking at Lorna who was standing aside, who didn't say a word to help her, she became even more angry: "Auntie, you don't even say a word for me, are you just like Han Jianfeng, you don't want me to come into your house at all?" The door of the house, do you not want me to help you get Zai Zai back?"

"I didn't. When you came in just now, I had an argument with Jianfeng. It's just that Jianfeng has a very hard temper and has his own ideas. I can't help him if he doesn't admit it. .”

Although Luo Na was a little displeased with Ou Ruting's attitude, but when she heard her talking about Zai Zai, she quickly became anxious, and hurriedly explained.

While talking, she glanced at Ou Ruting's stomach again: "By the way, Ruting, are you really pregnant? You were really pregnant that day."

When Lorna spoke, her eyes were full of doubts and uncertainties.

Ou Ruting's face sank immediately, but her eyes flickered with guilt, and soon she pretended to be wronged: "Auntie, Jianfeng doesn't believe me, don't you believe me too? Jianfeng was drunk at the time , but you dragged him into the room with me, and you still ask me such a thing now? And we also agreed at the time, otherwise I could do such a thing? Although I like Jianfeng, I am a woman My child, I still have the most basic sense of honesty, if it weren't for you, I would never do such a thing."

"Jianfeng said that to me just now, it's fine if you don't speak for me, but now you are still questioning me here, since this is the case, I might as well confess to Jianfeng."

As Ou Ruting said that, she lowered her head pretending to cry.

As soon as Luo Na heard that Ou Ruting was going to confess to Han Jianfeng, she immediately panicked, and quickly comforted her: "Okay, okay, Ruting is wrong with Auntie, can I apologize to you? Don't worry, Still according to what we said before, you help me get Zai Zai back, and I will facilitate you and Jian Feng, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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