After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 61 Mei Hong Wake Up?

Chapter 61 Mei Hong Wake Up?
"It's hard to say." Chen Hua seemed to be hesitant: "The biggest possibility is that the patient will lose his vital signs because of this operation. The simple understanding is death."

Chen Hua's words hit Su Zhaoxue's heart like a heavy hammer, causing her to suddenly lose the strength to support herself and almost fell over.

Fortunately, Yu Guo reacted quickly and came over to support her in time: "Sister Xue, are you okay?"

Su Zhaoxue pulled her clothes tightly, shook her head and said in a low voice, "I'm fine."

There was a look of pity in Chen Hua's eyes!

Mei Hong lay in the hospital bed for two years, not only did not improve at all, but she also had to pay tens of thousands of dollars in treatment fees every month. If it were someone else, she might have given up on it long ago, but Su Zhaoxue never Will mention the word abandon.

This is a young girl, but if she bears such a burden!

Even though he is a doctor who is used to seeing life and death, he has to admire Su Zhaoxue's strength.

Sighing helplessly, Chen Hua said again: "The patient has been lying on the hospital bed for two years. If he continues to lie down, he may stay for another two years, two years, or even more. How much do you pay every month?" The medical expenses of ten thousand yuan will cost more than ten thousand yuan a year."

"When the patient was sent in, because of his serious condition, there was no sign of waking up, so Corey decided to take conservative treatment. Now that the patient has improved, this is also a hope. Instead of lying down like this without a bright future, Might as well give it a go.”

Then he pondered for a while: "This is just my suggestion. The specific implementation still needs the consent of the family members. If you have made up your mind, come to the office to find me. But it is best to make a decision quickly, after all, time waits for no one."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hua turned around and left the ward.

It was Su Zhaoxue who supported Yu Guo and slowly sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

Looking sideways at Mei Hong, Su Zhaoxue's mood was extremely complicated.

Lying on the hospital bed, the woman with the title of her biological mother wanted to hate but couldn't.

Mei Hong is really not like a mother to Su Zhaoxue, at most she is like a creditor who will come to her when she has no money.

Thinking back when she and Qin Zexi were misunderstood and she was kicked out of Su's house, it was all because of the glass of wine that Mei Hong gave her.

Hehe, it's ridiculous to think about it, how unpopular she is, Mei Hong will unite with other people's daughters to harm her own flesh and blood.

She has thousands of reasons to ignore Mei Hong and let her fend for herself.

But even so, she still couldn't be cruel to this biological mother.

After all, Mei Hong gave birth to her!
She should take responsibility for her children!
So at this moment, what Su Zhaoxue was thinking about was where to raise the 50 yuan!

"Sister Xue, why don't we try to find Su Zhen!" Yu Guo looked at Su Zhaoxue's sad face, and probably knew why she was worried.

Su Zhaoxue shook her head!
"I borrowed 50 from her at the beginning, and I haven't paid it back. If I borrow another 50, I'm afraid I will have to work for her in my life."

Besides, Su Zhen might not lend it to her easily this time.

There is already something that can suppress her, so Su Zhen will naturally not continue to help her.

Yu Guo was a little melancholy: "But apart from Su Zhen, we don't know any rich people."

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: "Sister Xue, you said that we are miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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