After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 612 Not Qin Zexi

Chapter 612 Not Qin Zexi

Otherwise, Gu Ping wouldn't have made such a big detour just to send Song Yiran back!
But Gu Ping said disdainfully: "It's ridiculous, would I be afraid? I'm a dying person, what would I be afraid of, I'm not afraid of anything now."

Qin Zexi seemed to be able to guess what she was thinking: "If you were alone, you would not be afraid of anything, but don't you still have Song Yiran?"

Gu Ping paused for a moment, but was speechless for a while.

But soon his face darkened: "Qin Zexi, the reason why Xia Sien was arrested is still because of your plan."

"Why do you think it's me?" Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, neither admitting nor denying it.

Gu Ping seems to be very sure: "Xia Sien said."

"Did she call names?"

Gu Ping paused, and said reluctantly: "No."

But soon she said: "But she said that someone told her, that's why she blocked Yiran so coincidentally, that's not what you told her, can everything be just coincidental? "

Gu Ping became more and more angry as she talked: "Qin Zexi, I am the one who is sorry for you, and I still haven't done anything to be sorry for you. Why did you treat her like this? You say I am cruel, but I think you are also a wolf who cannibalize people without blinking an eye." , even more vicious than a wolf, if you don't do it yourself, let someone else do it for you, you are really ruthless, Qin Zexi."

"Then if I tell you, I don't have one." Qin Zexi remained calm: "You have already been taken away, why should I continue to deal with Song Yiran? If I want to deal with her, I will deal with you together." Bring her with you instead of informing Xia Sien, and I'm not familiar with that Xia Sien at all, and I don't know what grievances Song Yiran has with her."

"How is it possible, Qin Zexi, don't try to quibble, there can be no one else but you."

Gu Ping didn't seem to believe it very much. She stared at Qin Zexi with an indescribable panic: "Although she still has a bad temper, she is also a transparent person. What grudge does Xia Sien have, if you weren't there to help, Xia Sien wouldn't have blocked Yian so easily on the day when the incident happened."

"Believe it or not, my words are the truth. What you think is your business, and it has nothing to do with me."

After Qin Zexi finished speaking, he put his arms around Su Zhaoxue, and then asked in a low voice: "Go back? Niuniu can't see you at home, you should be arguing."

Su Zhaoxue wanted to leave a long time ago, so she quickly responded, "Okay."

After getting out of the hospital and getting into the car, Su Zhaoxue finally asked the question in her heart: "If it wasn't you that Song Yiran was tied up by Xia Sien, then who do you think it would be?"

In fact, it is hard not to suspect such a coincidence!
It was as if Xia Si'en had been waiting for a long time, specially waiting for the day when Gu Ping's accident happened. Song Yiran had no backer, so she could easily take Song away.

Qin Zexi shook his head: "Actually, I also find it very strange, and I feel that Xia Si'en seems to have deliberately created a wrong idea for Gu Ping, making Gu Ping think that I was the one who made the whistleblower that day."

"So you said Xia Sien did it on purpose?" Su Zhaoxue was puzzled.

Qin Zexi nodded, and suddenly asked: "Do Xia Sien and Song still have a deep hatred?"

(End of this chapter)

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