After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 614 Listening to the Corner

Chapter 614 Listening to the Corner

"Watching a play? Who's play?"

Su Zhaoxue was stunned!
"Song Yiran!"

"Well, Xu Qinqi's insider in the company has been found out. Before, I wondered why Xu Qinqi wanted an insider to join Gu's. Later, I found out that this insider had been in the company for ten years. Since Gu Ping bought Xu's I'm already in Gu's, the purpose is to provide Xu Qinqi with Gu's internal information."

"Gu Ping bought the Xu family?" Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised: "Is it Xu Qinqi's company?"

Qin Zexi nodded calmly: "Well, I actually investigated Xu Qinqi before, and knew that before Xu's acquisition, Gu's actually planned to cooperate with them. Later, I didn't know which link went wrong, and then Xu directly contacted him. It went bankrupt and was taken over by Gu Ping."

This news is really shocking, it turns out that Xu Qinqi and Gu Ping still have such a relationship!

Xu Qinqi and Song Yiran broke up at the beginning, maybe it was because of this reason!


Su Zhaoxue suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said, "Xu Qinqi didn't want to take revenge on Gu Ping, that's why he came here." "

Su Zhaoxue just guessed casually, but she didn't want Qin Zexi to actually nod her head: "I don't rule out this possibility."

Su Zhaoxue:
Why does it feel like things are getting more and more troublesome!

Qin Zexi brought Su Zhaoxue directly to a hotel, got the room card at the front desk, and then went straight to hug!

The hotel room was a suite. Qin Zexi entered the room, dragged Su Zhaoxue into the bedroom, and even closed the door of the room!

Su Zhaoxue:
Didn't you mean to watch a play? Why did you come to the hotel and close the door!

Su Zhaoxue's face turned red suddenly, she glanced at Qin Zexi, wanted to say something, but stopped again.

Qin Zexi looked down at her, looked at her slowly flushed neck, and suddenly understood something, raised the corner of his mouth quietly, put a hand on her shoulder, and lowered it deliberately. Pitch: "What's wrong with me? Are you hot, why is your neck all red?"

Qin Zexi's palm was so hot that Su Zhaoxue had goosebumps all over her body. Su Zhaoxue trembled and her heart beat faster, but he asked her seriously why her neck was red!

Doesn't he know?
Not just a big boy!
In her heart, Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but gave Qin Zexi a big white eye in disgust, moved her shoulders, and tried to shake off his hand: "What are you doing, take your hand away, you know I'm hot, and you put your hand away on."

"Take off your coat. It's hard to wear a coat at noon in the current weather." Qin Zexi still looked serious.

Su Zhaoxue almost vomited blood!

In early summer, although the temperature has risen, it is still a bit cold in the morning, and she has been at home when she comes out, and it is not too hot, and she is also wearing a thin knitted sweater, which has no effect at all. , not to mention hot or not!

"Oh, just stay away from me." Su Zhaoxue was so irritable that she wanted to push her away.

"Oh?" Qin Zexi was still smiling and hugged her suddenly: "Do you want me to stay away from you?"

Su Zhaoxue raised her head and bumped into his deep and beautiful eyes, her face suddenly became redder!
(End of this chapter)

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