After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 617 Listening to the Corner

Chapter 617 Listening to the Corner

Gu Ping suddenly became frightened, and hurriedly said, "What do you mean?"

Xu Qinqi looked indifferent: "It's not interesting, your daughter Song Yiran lost my child back then, how do you think I should avenge my son's murder?"

"Child?" Gu Ping was shocked: "The child in Xia Sien's stomach is really yours?"

"Hmph, it was originally mine, but I didn't want it." Xu Qinqi sneered.

Gu Ping hurriedly said: "Since you don't want it, isn't it just what you want if you don't have the child?"

"I don't want it, but it doesn't mean anyone can bully this child. He is my Xu Qinqi's child, understand?"

"Then you admit that you planned what happened behind the scenes?" Gu Ping suddenly changed the subject.

Originally thought that if Xu Qinqi was caught off guard, he would tell the truth unpreparedly, but he didn't want Xu Qinqi's reaction was beyond Gu Ping's expectation, and Xu Qinqi sneered: "Aunt Gu, don't think about it." Take my word for it, and the evidence you threw here, to me, it's just a few scraps of paper.

I transferred the house to Xia Sien's name, but it was several months ago, she asked me to buy it, and I happened to have a lot of houses, so I sold them to her at a low price.We have proper real estate transaction procedures and transfer records. If you are interested, I can show you.And I went to see Xia Si'en, because Xia Si'en didn't have any friends or relatives here, and I was her only friend. Am I going to see her friends too much?It doesn't seem too much to want to bail her out, right?If you want to convict me based on these points alone, then you can go to BJ and let them arrest me, I'll be here anytime. "

After Xu Qinqi finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to go out, but he walked halfway, and quickly turned to look at Gu Ping: "Oh, by the way, Song Yiran is pregnant, right? I just thought of a good way to pay with my life." One life, what do you think, Aunt Gu?"

"What do you mean?"

Gu Ping was startled, and hurriedly followed, but quickly realized, and hurriedly shouted: "Xu Qinqi, you are not allowed to hurt Yiran, you don't want Xu's property anymore, do you?"

Having said that, Xu Qinqi stopped quickly, turned around and looked at Gu Ping: "I'll give you three days, when it's not just Song Yiran's child."

After finishing speaking this time, he opened the door and left!
With a bang, the door was closed!

Gu Ping stood there staring blankly at the direction Xu Qinqi was leaving. After a while, she finally came to her senses, then turned around and knocked on the bedroom door quickly.

"Qin Zexi, open the door, open the door, Xu Qinqi is gone, open the door and come out."

Su Zhaoxue had always thought that Gu Ping didn't know they were inside, but now she listened to Gu Ping's words, and then she knew that Gu Ping had always known!

Qin Zexi opened the door calmly, and before he had time to say anything, he heard Gu Ping's urgent voice: "Qin Zexi, please let someone account for the Xu's property you acquired back then, and then return it as it was when it was acquired. To Xu Qinqi."

Gu Ping's tone of voice didn't seem to be pleading or discussing, but more like an order!
No matter who listens to it, they will be unhappy!
(End of this chapter)

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