After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 625 Exposing Song Yiran

Chapter 625 Exposing Song Yiran

After Hu Xianya's words fell silent, Su Zhaoxue glanced at Old Man Gu, only to realize that the old man's face was turning blue!

The old man probably didn't expect that Song Yiran's stimulation was actually an act!

Song Yiran snorted softly: "Hmph, does it have something to do with you? Since you know to send me such a message, shouldn't you already know whether I am stimulated or not?"

"Oh, you're pretending, you're pretending to be pretty." Hu Xianya also cooperated as if she had suddenly realized.

Listening to her sarcastic tone, Song Yiran's face turned pale, but he began to get a little impatient: "Don't you have evidence to give? If you want to give it, give it quickly, where is there so much nonsense."

Hu Xianya said indifferently: "The person behind the kidnapping is Xu Qinqi. I don't have any evidence, but these are photos of him and Xia Sien coming and going in the past three months, which can prove that he and Xia Sien are very close."

After finishing speaking, he threw a stack of photos to Song Yiran!

Song Yiran took the photo, opened it and looked at it immediately, his face getting darker and darker.

Hu Xianya chuckled lightly: "Song Yiran, I'm very surprised. In fact, if you don't pretend to be stupid, wouldn't it be good to testify against Xia Sien? With your current state, Xu Qinqi thought there was insufficient evidence, so he was thinking of asking Get Xia Sien out."

"Hmph, I'm waiting for him to fish out Xia Sien. I want Xia Sien to experience the pain I have suffered." Unexpectedly, Song Yiran suddenly said viciously.

The gnashing of teeth really can only be shown if there is a deep hatred.

"Oh? Is this why you're pretending to be stupid? You have a mental problem, so if you hurt someone, you shouldn't be involved too much? It seems to Song Yiran that I underestimated you." Hu Xianya didn't think much of it Surprised, but Song Yiran's move made her admire.

The plan was so openly stated by Hu Xianya, Song Yiran was somewhat displeased, and frowned: "Who the hell are you? Why do you want to give me this so kindly? What's your purpose?"

Hu Xianya still looked indifferent: "What purpose can I have, I just don't like it."

"Let's go, go back."

Hearing this, Mr. Gu couldn't listen anymore, and finally raised his hand weakly, and said something to Su Zhaoxue in a low voice.

Su Zhaoxue knew that Mr. Gu must be very sad at this time, so she didn't say anything, but obediently pushed the wheelchair, and left the shopping mall without a word.

On the way back, Su Zhaoxue sent Hu Qianya a message, telling her that she and Mr. Gu had already left, and that she would call her when it was convenient to go back.

And Mr. Gu didn't say a word from the moment he left the mall to when he returned!

Perhaps in Mr. Gu's mind, he felt that Song Yiran wanted to take revenge, but she shouldn't lie to him
Back then when he brought Song Yiran back home, it was because he felt pity for her being stimulated, but he didn't want to know that she was just pretending!

Until just now, Mr. Gu had been planning for Song Yiran's future in his heart, but after he heard what she said, he had to feel that he was really old.

I'm old, and I can't tell the truth from the fake!
As he was old, he no longer knew what kind of person he had raised by his side all these years!

(End of this chapter)

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