After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 631 Song still went to find Xu Qinqi

Chapter 631 Song still went to find Xu Qinqi
"Xu Qinqi, you..."

Song Yiran raised his hand and wanted to slap Xu Qinqi.

But Xu Qinqi grabbed it with a backhand, and then threw Song Yiran out of the carriage.

Xu Qinqi's assistant was still standing outside the car, and in order to prevent Song Yiran from falling, he gave her a hand.

Song Yiran staggered a few times, and when he stood still, he shook off his assistant's hand. Just as he was about to point to Xu Qinqi and say something, Xu Qinqi suddenly got out of the car!
After getting out of the car, he said to the assistant: "Go and call all the paparazzi over there, and tell them that I have news for them."

The assistant was stunned for a moment, and this is the answer: "Okay."

"What do you want to do?" Song still realized that things didn't seem to be developing as he expected.

Xu Qinqi smiled: "Didn't you just say that you were going to expose me in front of the media, I will give you a chance now."

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Xu Qinqi's gourd at all!

At this moment, the paparazzi suddenly came, there were three of them, each with a camera in their hands, and when they looked at Xu Qinqi, they smiled with embarrassment and unsure eyes.

"Mr. Xu, do you really want to give us news?" One of them spoke first, watching Xu Qinqi keep smiling.

"Did you take the picture in the car just now?" Xu Qinqi asked suddenly with a calm expression.

The three paparazzi froze for a moment, and glanced at each other. None of them could guess what Xu Qinqi was thinking. They wanted to say no, but they were afraid that if they lied, they would make the boss unhappy. In the end, they had to collectively nod: " Got it."

After all, I have been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and sometimes I can tell the truth when I hear the lies!
"En." Xu Qinqi responded, and suddenly looked at Song Yiran: "Okay, you can say what you want, they are also media, and they are very effective. Now that you say it, you will be on the hot search right away. "

"Xu Qinqi, what exactly do you want?" Song Yiran scolded Xu Qinqi in a low voice.

What really made Song Yiran say something, but she couldn't say it anymore!

Could it be that she is Xu Qinqi's ex-girlfriend?
Then he dumped Xu Qinqi back then, so he held a grudge and asked Xia Sien to tie her up and insult her, and now she is pregnant?
She couldn't say a word, once she said it, her face would really be lost!
The uproar spread by others is other people's business, as long as she doesn't say it herself, it will always be just a rumor!

Rumors can't be true!

"Didn't you say you wanted to come out and expose me? I'll give you a chance." Xu Qinqi smiled slightly, as if he had expected that Song Yiran would not say a word for the sake of face.

"You can start recording." After Xu Qinqi finished speaking, he said something to the paparazzi.

The paparazzi of the third brother really listened to Xu Qinqi's words!

Song Yiran had the feeling that he had set himself a trap for a moment. Looking at the three paparazzi, Song Yiran squeezed his palm tightly, and suddenly bit his lip, and said to Xu Qinqi with tears in his eyes: "The bad guy , You are a big bad person, you bully Yiran, woohoo, you bully Yiran, I'm going to find my mother, let my mother teach you a lesson."

Song Yiran's state instantly seemed to be back to when he was three years old, and he seemed to be delirious!
Everyone around was stunned, but Xu Qinqi smiled calmly!
(End of this chapter)

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