After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 65 New Drama Conference

Chapter 65 New Drama Conference

In the morning, Su Zhaoxue was woken up by the ringing of the phone, and only after she picked it up did she realize that Su Zhen had agreed to give her the second female lead in Director Li's play.

And the lead actress in that play was originally Yang Yuanyuan from Galen, and she didn’t know who she offended suddenly. All the advertising contracts on her part were terminated, and the new lead actress was from Hongcheng’s side. female entertainer.

"Yang Yuanyuan?" Su Zhaoxue thought she had heard wrong.

Yu Guo was very excited: "Yes, she seems to have been refrigerated by gallons."

"Do you know why?"

Su Zhaoxue suddenly had a premonition in her heart. She met Yang Yuanyuan in Gallon yesterday, and she didn't look like she was refrigerated.

Could it be because of what happened yesterday?
Besides, the female artist of Galen was replaced, why was the red and orange one replaced?

"I don't know, who cares, it's none of our business." Yu Guo didn't care at all, but quickly reminded Su Zhaoxue: "Sister Xue, there will be a press conference for the new drama at one o'clock in the afternoon. , you come to the company to put on makeup quickly, and then we have to rent a dress for the press conference."

Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised, so fast?
But before he could speak, Yu Guo hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, I had no choice but to get up from the bed, wash up briefly, and then went downstairs.

Han Bo was downstairs, holding a watering can to spray water on the plants in the hall. He heard the movement, looked over, and then said, "Young Madam, today's breakfast is sandwiches and fresh milk. Do you want some?"

Only two simple things!
Han Bo saw that Su Zhaoxue was stunned and did not make a sound, and immediately explained: "The suggestion you made yesterday has been adopted by the kitchen, so from today onwards, the daily breakfast will be a single variety. If you don't like it , I can ask the kitchen to do otherwise.”

"No, I'll just eat this."

Su Zhaoxue naturally understood that the owner of this villa was Qin Zexi, and Han Bo would only listen to his words.

But looking at Qin Zexi yesterday, I didn't see him saying anything for her?
Could it be that he said it behind his back?
After breakfast, Su Zhaoxue planned to go out.

At this time, Han Bo came over again and handed her a bag: "Young Madam, this is what the Young Master left for you when he left. He said you can use it today."

Su Zhaoxue glanced at the brand on the bag, oh, it's a piece of clothing, and it's a big brand!
She took it without refusing, opened the bag and took a look, only to find that it was actually a dress, and she happened to be able to wear it at the press conference today.

Qin Zexi, does this have the supernatural power of a prophet?

How did he know that she needed clothes for the press conference today?

Could it be that Qin Zexi exchanged the role of the first female as the second female?

So he will know?

No, she must find an opportunity to ask for clarification!
It was almost eleven o'clock when Su Zhaoxue arrived at the company.

Yu Guo is always impatient, and this will be even more urgent: "Oh, sister Xue, why did you come here? We still have to look for clothes to wear to the press conference. You have to arrive at the scene half an hour in advance, and you don't know the traffic in City H, oops, no time, no time, go find clothes now."

As he spoke, he pulled Su Zhaoxue to leave the company.

(End of this chapter)

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