After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 651 Applying Medicine

Chapter 651 Applying Medicine
Qin Zexi's complexion was not very good, Su Zhaoxue didn't dare to refute, so she nodded obediently!

Qin Zexi quickly brought the medicine from downstairs, and as soon as he came in, a servant answered outside the door: "Young master, the old man asked young mistress if it's all right, and said that the doctor is still here, do you want to come up and show young mistress. "

"I can't die." Qin Zexi's voice was filled with displeasure, and it was so cold that ice shards fell off.

"What are you doing, don't be angry." Su Zhaoxue looked at him, knew that he was angry with herself, so she took his hand to please him, and looked at him with a smile.

Qin Zexi sat in front of the bed, lowered his head to take the potion, his hair fell down to cover his face, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Su Zhaoxue bit her lip, and then continued: "I didn't mean not to tell you on purpose, but I was afraid that you would worry, can't I be wrong?"

As soon as Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, Qin Zexi suddenly turned sideways and put his arms around her waist!
Su Zhaoxue was startled, the boss with wide open eyes just looked at him innocently.

Qin Zexi looked at her, and the coldness in his eyes slowly disappeared. After a long while, he sighed silently: "Go over first, I'll apply the medicine for you."

"Oh, yes." Su Zhaoxue obediently responded, and then turned her back to Qin Zexi.

Qin Zexi's movements were very light, but even so, looking at the blue patch on Su Zhaoxue's back, he still felt very uncomfortable in his heart!
It's all because of him!

However, in order not to make him worry, she gritted her teeth and remained silent when she was hurt and wronged.

But she was like this, and Qin Zexi felt even more uncomfortable!
"Zhaoxue, I'm sorry." Qin Zexi felt an indescribable feeling of oppression in his heart. He was angry, uncomfortable, and even guilty, but when it came to his lips, he could only say sorry to Su Zhaoxue.

"Why say sorry, you made it again."

Su Zhaoxue responded repeatedly, she probably knew what Qin Zexi was feeling right now.

"It has nothing to do with you, don't say sorry to me, and why should we say sorry?"

"It doesn't matter. You stay here because of me. If you don't stay here, you won't be hurt and wronged like this."

Qin Zexi's voice was very deep, and under the low voice was a kind of anger that could not be erupted.

Su Zhaoxue pretended to be angry: "Hey, we are husband and wife, do we have to separate if we are not together? Say, if you want us to separate so much, do you want to tease other girls?"

"No, I'm just worried that you will be wronged in the future." Qin Zexi suddenly didn't realize it, and blurted out subconsciously.

After finishing speaking, he seemed to understand. He put the medicine on the bedside table, stretched out his long arms to support Su Zhaoxue's side, and then got close to her.

Raising the corners of his mouth, it was a smile that was not a smile: "Pick up a little girl? Aren't you a little girl, and I still need to go out to tease you?"

Qin Zexi's ambiguous posture and tone made Su Zhaoxue's face turn red uncontrollably!

The eyeballs rolled around, bit his lips in a panic, and then smiled: "I'm not joking, are you not angry anymore?"

Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows: "It's not angry to be angry, but I want to do another thing now."

"Ah?" Su Zhaoxue's face suddenly looked like a ripe apple.

(End of this chapter)

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