Chapter 665

"En." Responded impatiently, this was pushing Lorna: "If you want Zai Zai to come back smoothly, don't let them touch, go and call Jian Feng back."

Luo Na frowned, always feeling that Ou Ruting's words seemed to be a bit off.

If you want Zai Zai back, why can't you let them get in touch more!
One is Zai Zai's mother, and the other is Zai Zai's father. If the two reconcile, won't Zai Zai come back smoothly?
It's just that at this time, Luo Na just felt that Ou Ruting's words sounded a bit awkward, but she didn't think about it at all.

In her thoughts, she was still stuck in Ou Ruting's words that she would help her bring Zai Zai back!
So this kind of doubt only stayed for about a second, and Rona nodded: "Where are they?"

Han Jianfeng pulled Hu Xianya directly out of the restaurant. He originally wanted to take Hu Xianya to the car, but just after leaving the restaurant, Hu Xianya had already broken free from his shackles.

"Han Jianfeng, what on earth do you want to do?" Hu Qianya was a little angry, her pretty face was flushed red.

Han Jianfeng looked at her, and didn't know what he wanted to do, but seeing her with Hu Yanqian, he felt uncomfortable, as if a whole bottle of vinegar had been spilled in his heart, he just wanted to take her away.

It's just that he didn't know what kind of language to use to express this feeling. Even if he could express it, Han Jianfeng probably wouldn't say it, so he brought up another topic: "Why did you keep avoiding me before?" .”

"Han Jianfeng, you really have a thick skin." Hu Qianya suddenly sneered: "Do you know that when I see you, I feel uncomfortable, and when I see you, I feel sick."

Especially when standing with Ou Ruting!
But Hu Xianya couldn't say the latter sentence!
Although he had been prepared a long time ago and knew that Hu Xianya would not say anything nice, but hearing these words, Han Jianfeng's face turned pale uncontrollably.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the soreness in his heart, Han Jianfeng said: "Xian Ya, what do you want to give me a chance? Give me a chance to redeem my sins and change my past?"

He knew that he was the one who was sorry for her in the past, and hurt her too much, that's why she was so indifferent to him now.

He doesn't blame her or blame her for all of this. Now he just wants to make a good atonement in front of her.

"Opportunity?" Hu Xianya snorted coldly, originally intending to reject it outright, telling him it would never be possible!
He just raised his eyes unintentionally, but bumped into the expectation in his eyes!
Very sincere expectation, Hu Xianya has seen it more than once!

If this was before, it would be impossible!

But now
She is inexplicably soft-hearted!
Quickly retracting her gaze, Hu Qianya looked away and moved her lips: "Yes, you stand here and slap yourself twice, and I will give you this chance."

When the words fell, Hu Xianya scolded herself severely in her heart!
Why would you say such a thing?
Slap yourself twice?

What should I do if it hurts?
But why give him a chance so easily?

How did he treat her back then? He caused her to shed so many tears and hurt so many hearts!
Two different Hu Xianya are constantly struggling in their hearts!

(End of this chapter)

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