After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 673 Take Song Yiran to the Company

Chapter 673 Take Song Yiran to the Company

Mr. Gu hired a doctor specialized in treating Song Yiran. The doctor came every day to perform rehabilitation treatment for Song Yiran. After about half a month of treatment, the rehabilitation doctor said that it was almost done!

Su Zhaoxue didn't understand what old man Gu was thinking, she knew that Song Yiran was pretending but still made such a fuss on purpose, anyway, as long as Song Yiran didn't come to find fault with her, she wouldn't bother to deal with these things.

Half a month has passed without incident, probably because of the recovery, so Mr. Gu kept the rehabilitation doctor at home for dinner!

It just so happened that Qin Zexi was at home that day!
Mr. Gu is very enthusiastic and seems to be very happy!
Song Yiran is really well-behaved. During this period of time, she and Su Zhaoxue were doing their own things at home, but Su Zhaoxue spent most of the time upstairs in order to avoid conflicts with Song Yiran, or went out with Niuniu in her arms. .

Mr. Gu had been talking to the rehabilitation doctor about Song Yiran's condition, but Su Zhaoxue just wanted to finish eating and go upstairs, but didn't pay much attention to it.

At this time, old man Gu suddenly called out to Qin Zexi: "Zexi, since the doctor said that Yiran should go out to exercise more, why don't you take Yiran to the company tomorrow and find her a casual job?"

At first Su Zhaoxue didn't understand what Old Master Gu meant, but now she suddenly understood!

After working for a long time, the purpose is here!

Knowing that Song is still pretending to be crazy, but he doesn't order clothes, and he does some rehabilitation treatment, but it's just for the last step!
"Take it to the company? Grandpa, are you kidding me?" Qin Zexi seemed to be a little surprised, he was taken aback for a moment before he said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu was extremely serious: "Aren't you kidding? What I said is more serious than anything else. The doctor said that I still need to go outside to exercise. I, an old man, can take her to exercise. Zhaoxue wants to take Niuniu more It's impossible, knowing that you are usually busy, why don't you just arrange a spare job for her in the company?"

At this time, the rehabilitation doctor also continued on the side: "Well, the patient has almost just come out of a closed state, she needs to go out for exercise, get in touch with some different people, and use it to arouse her various memories of her previous life, And gradually become a normal person.”

"Rehabilitation doctor?" Qin Zexi suddenly laughed after hearing these words.

This smile made the doctor stunned for a moment, and after a pause, he said: "En, yes."

"How much did my grandfather spend to invite you here?" Qin Zexi asked lightly.

The rehabilitation doctor didn't understand what Qin Zexi meant, and looked at the old man in a bit of embarrassment, then coughed lightly: "I usually make [-] outpatient visits, but Ms. Song may be a little more expensive because of her special circumstances."

"Not only that, it's not so cheap to hire an actor now." Qin Zexi's tone was still light, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth when he spoke.

"This." The rehabilitation doctor was completely embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Mr. Gu said from the side: "Zexi, Dr. Zhang was invited by me. You can't be so rude. I know what you mean, but I really only invited him to see Yi Yi."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly looked at Mr. Gu: "Grandpa, I didn't seem to say anything, I just asked about the medical fee. I really have other ideas like you."

(End of this chapter)

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