After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 683 Angry?

Chapter 683 Angry?
The nanny is a very straightforward person, and naturally speaks very straightforwardly!
Moreover, she and Su Zhaoxue usually talked about whatever they wanted. Su Zhaoxue didn't have any airs about her employer, so naturally she just opened her mouth.

"There are so many people around that old man to take care of him, and you are not missing. Besides, the old man is so eccentric, so just put on a show. No one cares about you at all."

Su Zhaoxue knew that the nanny was complaining for Su Zhaoxue, even an outsider could feel the old man's favoritism, it was really ironic!

He forced a smile: "I know, I will pay attention."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to take Niuniu from the nanny's arms: "Did Niuniu still obey you last night?"

"Well, she is very obedient. Although Niu Niu is a little more lively, she never makes trouble at night. I have brought so many little dolls, and Niu Niu is my favorite." The nanny said the truth, It is also true to look at Niu Niu's doting look when she is talking.

"Well, go and make milk for her, I'll hold her and play for a while."

"Hey, okay." The nanny responded, and turned around and went back to the room to get things!
And Su Zhaoxue carried Niuniu back to the room!

Qin Zexi woke up as soon as he entered, and glanced at Su Zhaoxue, as if he hadn't reacted yet: "Why do you wake up so early?"

Su Zhaoxue teased Niuniu and ignored him!
Niuniu's cradle is in Su Zhaoxue's room, so Su Zhaoxue put Niuniu in the cradle so that Niuniu's limbs can stretch out and she can feel more comfortable.

On the other hand, Su Zhaoxue was bending over, looking after Niu Niu carefully.

Seeing that Su Zhaoxue ignored him, Qin Zexi got up!

My head was still dizzy after the hangover, and I sat on the edge of the bed for a while, then got up and walked towards Su Zhaoxue, and then hugged her from behind: "Angry? I'm sorry last night. I didn't know last night I would get drunk and forget about picking you up."

If Qin Zexi didn't react just now, he would naturally understand why Su Zhaoxue flirted with him so early in the morning.

Drunk so forgot?

Sorry lightly, even if it's over?
Is this an explanation?
Then it's better not to explain, so at least the current Su Zhaoxue won't feel more angry!
Qin Zexi gave her the feeling as if he was perfunctory her!
As for Song Yiran, why did he bring up Song Yiran, but he couldn't explain it!
After moving her body, Su Zhaoxue was extremely bored, and wanted Qin Zexi to let her go: "Let go of me first, it's uncomfortable."

"If you don't get angry, I'll let you go." Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly pressed his face on the back of her neck like a baby.

There is a new green pile on his chin, piercing her delicate skin, it hurts and itches!
If it was in the past, Su Zhaoxue at this moment would definitely smile and run away.

But at this moment, Su Zhaoxue was really not in the mood!
These green stakes were stuck around her neck, which made her already depressed mood even worse.

She tried hard to push Qin Zexi away: "Let me go, let go."

I don't know if she used too much strength or what, but she pushed Qin Zexi to a stagger, and almost fell to the floor!

Su Zhaoxue was startled, turned around and subconsciously wanted to pull him!

(End of this chapter)

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