After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 713 Niuniu is gone

Chapter 713 Niuniu is gone

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at Qin Zexi: "I don't know."

Qin Zexi's face suddenly sank, and his tone became a lot colder: "I don't know, she called you?"

Su Zhaoxue suddenly didn't know how to explain it!
Yes, why did the nanny suddenly want to call her?
Now standing here, I am afraid that no one believes her, in fact, they don't even know about it!

"I really don't know. You saw it too. I called her, but her phone was turned off." Su Zhaoxue still wanted to make the last bit of struggle!
Song Yiran said on the sidelines: "Maybe it was discussed by you. Didn't you say on the phone just now that you have already discussed the meeting place before, it seems that Niu Niu was sick on purpose. The child hit her After the vaccination, the resistance is very fragile, at this time children are most likely to get sick and catch a cold, but Niu Niu just got sick at this time, you still say you didn't mean it?"

"Song Yiran, why do you have to emphasize that I did it on purpose? Niuniu is my daughter. She is sick now. What good does it do me? When you stood next to me and pressed the speaker, could I In fact, you also did it on purpose? Why did the nanny's call come as soon as you came, and the time was just right, I pressed the answer button, and you pressed the speaker? "

Su Zhaoxue had some doubts in her heart, the nanny was actually bribed by Song Yiran, but she suffered from the fact that she had no evidence!
Because all this is too coincidental, the nanny's phone call is too coincidental, and Song still standing next to her is too coincidental!
Although there was nothing wrong with Song Yiran's explanation, Su Zhaoxue still felt suspicious!
Unexpectedly, Su Zhaoxue's words did not make Song Yiran feel so panicked, but instead she laughed: "Su Zhaoxue, your trick is really low-level, do you want to use me to divert everyone's attention? You Say I did it on purpose, then I ask you again, what good does it do me? I have no grievances with Niu Niu, she is just a child, why should I do this?"

"Didn't you always want me to leave the Gu family? Isn't this trick just right? It can make Qin Zexi resent me and let me leave easily."

All of this was actually just Su Zhaoxue's speculation, but since Song Yiran wanted to ask, she naturally said so.

"It's ridiculous." Song Yiran snorted softly: "I want you to leave the Gu family, but I will not use the method of hurting the child. I have no good intentions, but at least I know that Niuniu is a child, no The child's health should be used as a bargaining chip."

"Su Zhaoxue, I advise you to quickly tell me the place where you meet up with the nanny. Niu Niu is still suffering from a high fever. I think you should not want Niu Niu to have any accidents."

Song Yiran did it on purpose, belittling himself, and deliberately made a fuss about Niuniu's fever!

It is nothing more than to make Qin Zexi feel sorry for Niuniu, so that he really doubts Su Zhaoxue, thinking that Su Zhaoxue deliberately made Niuniu catch a cold just to leave with her in his arms.

When Su Zhaoxue thought about Niu Niu still having a fever, she felt distressed and anxious.

In addition, Song Yiran has always been deliberately forcing her, Su Zhaoxue's heart is even more restless!

(End of this chapter)

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