After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 733 The old man Gu is here

Chapter 733 The old man Gu is here

"Just because you made Niuniu sick on purpose, and because you didn't do a good job as a mother."

Mr. Gu is plausible!
"Do you think I really made Niu Niu sick?" Su Zhaoxue was so mad that she felt as if she had met two unreasonable children.

Song Yiran still chimed in: "Who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

"Song Yiran, do you dare to say that you did not participate in this matter?"

When Su Zhaoxue got angry, she suddenly cast a cold glance at Song Yiran!

Originally, if there was no evidence, she didn't want to say it for the time being, but Song Yiran pushed Mr. Gu here today, nothing more than wanting to convict her of killing Niuniu, and she really didn't want to let go of this doubt. It's in my heart!
Song Yiran didn't know whether he was shocked by Su Zhaoxue's words, or by Su Zhaoxue's eyes, and suddenly froze.

After a pause, he asked again as if nothing had happened: "Can you just tell me what you have? What does this matter have to do with me? I am not familiar with your nanny at all. Besides, I have nothing to do with Niu Niu." There is no hatred, there is no need for me to hurt a child."

"Familiar or not, you can find out by asking the nanny. As for the matter you said that you and Niuniu have no grievances, Niuniu is the daughter of me and Qin Zexi. Didn't you always want me to leave? Knowing that I can’t go out alone with Niuniu in my arms, you reminded me of this method of getting vaccinations as an excuse, didn’t you? You don’t know that children who have been vaccinated will have low resistance and are most likely to get sick and catch a cold Yes, so you know that once Niuniu gets sick, and it’s not a minor illness, but a very serious illness, Qin Zexi will definitely let me go to the hospital with Niuniu. So you discussed it with the nanny in advance, and the nanny asked me to do it on purpose Hospitalization procedures, taking advantage of this time, she quietly left with the baby in her arms. Waiting for everyone to gather together, you asked the nanny to call me on purpose, but the most coincidental thing is that you pressed me The loudspeaker of the phone, and what the nanny said naturally appeared in the ears of other people, and this happened to give me a charge of intentionally letting the nanny hold Niuniu and leave."

"And you know, once Niu Niu disappears, Qin Zexi will definitely send someone to look for it, so you let the nanny appear within the monitoring range of the back door of the hospital on purpose, so that Qin Zexi can quickly find the nanny and Niu Niu, so that Firstly, Niuniu is not lost, but my crime has been confirmed."

"Since the charges have been confirmed, Qin Zexi will definitely ask me to question the crime. In this way, your plan to use Niu Niu to drive us apart has come in handy."

"How is it possible? I still haven't said a word to Niuniu's nanny at all. How could it be that I still colluded with the nanny."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, Song Yiran hadn't had time to speak, but Mr. Gu spoke first to defend her.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help sneering: "Grandpa, they are indeed unfamiliar on the surface, but that doesn't mean they are not familiar in the dark. It seems that you and Song are still in a grandparent relationship on the surface, but in fact you are a father and daughter relationship. Isn't it?"

Mr. Gu's attitude really chilled Su Zhaoxue, but it didn't matter, after all, she didn't have any blood relationship with him.

(End of this chapter)

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