After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 757 Niuniu is discharged from the hospital

Chapter 757 Niuniu is discharged from the hospital

"You really intend to let Han Jianfeng die? Are you willing?"

Hu Xianya paused for a moment, and then she lowered her voice: "I don't want to, looking at him like that, I also want to let it go like this, but I can't pass this test in my heart."

"Hey, you care too much. The more you care, the more you care about the past." Hu Xianqian still knows Hu Xianya, knowing that the past has always been a hurdle in her heart, the more she cares about Han Jianfeng, That hurdle is getting deeper.

So there must be one thing to change the status quo between them!

Hu Xianya said to let Han Jianfeng die, but it was just to find a support.

But if something happened to Han Jianfeng, Hu Qianya would regret it again!

But thinking of this, Hu Yanqian thought of a way!
The hospital where Niu Niu lived for more than half a month was good enough. After Mr. Gu visited Niu Niu last time, he came again later, but Song still didn't come that time, and the nurse pushed the old man to come.

As long as Song is still not around, Su Zhaoxue and Mr. Gu will actually get along very well. It's not just pretending that Mr. Gu really likes Niu Niu.

But because what happened to Song Yiran happened, no matter how hard he tried to cover it up, what happened is what happened, the estrangement is the estrangement, not forever but for a while, there is definitely no way to recover!
So Su Zhaoxue really can't do how much enthusiasm she has for the old man, not being cold-faced towards him is Su Zhaoxue's biggest step back!

However, Mr. Gu didn't seem to care much about it at all. Instead, he was smiling all the time. After playing with Niuniu for a while, seeing that Niuniu was sleeping, he consciously prepared to leave.

But when he was leaving, he said to Su Zhaoxue inexplicably: "Zhaoxue, grandpa knows that you have great opinions on grandpa, and thinks that grandpa is too partial to Song Yiran, but what grandpa wants to tell you is, Some things never change."

Su Zhaoxue was dazed and stupefied when listening to Mr. Gu's words. She didn't understand what Mr. Gu said until he left the door of the ward!
Some things never change?

What won't change?

Are you referring to Qin Zexi?
Qin Zexi came to pick up Niu Niu when she was discharged from the hospital, and Zhong Lian ran up and down to pick up the car and the big and small bags.

During this time, although Qin Zexi would come to the hospital every day to take care of Niu Niu, the two of them rarely talked in the same ward, unless they had to speak sometimes, they would only speak a few words lightly. worse than a stranger.

Because of the egg dumpling, she thought that their relationship had finally eased, but she didn't expect that after Qin Zexi came at night, it seemed to be colder than before.

Because there is no nanny, Su Zhaoxue is really tired from taking care of Niuniu day and night, but she is not in the mood to take care of it.

Be indifferent, let's be indifferent, she can't care about it now!
After getting in the car, the two still had no communication, Niu Niu fell asleep in Su Zhaoxue's arms, and when they got off, Qin Zexi picked up the little guy and hugged her.

Although he didn't speak, Su Zhaoxue also knew that he was afraid that she would get tired holding Niuniu!
He still has some conscience!
But it's really embarrassing for the two of them who don't speak, even Zhong Lian, who was driving in the front row, realized it!
(End of this chapter)

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