After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 765 Ou Ruting Came to Beg Hu Xianya

Chapter 765 Ou Ruting Came to Beg Hu Xianya
Hearing Ou Ruting's words, Hu Xianya couldn't help feeling funny, and squinted her eyes: "Ou Ruting, why do you always think that Han Jianfeng's not marrying you has something to do with me? Let me ask you, how many years have you known Han Jianfeng?"

"We have been together since we were young. We were separated when we were in school, and we got together again when we went to study medicine. And our relationship between Europe and Korea has always been very good. Both parents hope that we can get married and live together. together."

When Ou Ruting mentioned this, her eyes lit up, her expression improved a lot, and her tone was full of pride!
Although Hu Xianya didn't know how she got such pride, was it because she knew Han Jianfeng early?

"Then Han Jianfeng should know what your parents mean?" Hu Xianya asked again.

"I know, Aunt Luo has always treated me like her own daughter. If it wasn't for Zai Zai's sudden appearance, we would have been married by now. You are Zai Zai's mother, and you still say it's not because of you?"

While talking, Ou Ruting put all the blame on Hu Qianya again!
Hu Xianya didn't bother to argue with her: "Then why didn't Han Jianfeng marry you? You should know Han Jianfeng's character. He is not a person who can be manipulated by others. You said you have known each other for so long, and he also knows the two families. What the parents mean, if he has this kind of meaning for you, he should have married you long ago, right?"

"I said it all because of Zai Zai's sudden appearance." Ou Ruting seemed to be trying to quibble.

Hu Xianya couldn't help chuckling: "Because of Zai Zai? What happened before Zai Zai appeared? You have so many opportunities?"

Ou Ruting's expression suddenly paused, she was speechless by Hu Xianya's words.

Hu Xianya smiled and continued: "What does this mean? It means that Han Jianfeng has never planned to marry you for a long time. Although there is a saying that rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest, if the grass by the side of the nest suits your appetite, you Do you think the rabbit will eat it?"

"You said that the reason why Han Jianfeng didn't marry you was because of me, then have you ever thought that even without me, Han Jianfeng would meet other women he likes, so this is an obvious fact, why do you keep marrying me?" Stuck on this?"

"Or do you think that Han Jianfeng didn't marry you because of me, because you have a deep sense of inferiority standing in front of me?"

When Hu Xianya said these words, she kept smiling, with the corners of her eyes slightly raised, like a cunning little fox.

Charming yet serious.

Ou Ruting seemed to have suffered a blow to her self-esteem, her complexion changed, and her tone of voice intensified a lot: "What nonsense are you talking about, why should I feel inferior in front of you? Don't you just have some bad money and look better. "

Hu Qianya tilted her head: "Aren't these enough? I am good-looking and rich. If a man stands between us, he will choose me first."

"But now I am pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child."

Ou Ruting's lips turned pale in anger, but what Hu Xianya said seemed to be true, she had no way to refute it at all, she could only tightly hold the last straw of her pregnancy!
"You shouldn't come and tell me this, you should go and tell Han Jianfeng." Hu Qianya didn't want to worry about solving this matter for Han Jianfeng.

Even if she knew that the child in Ou Ruting's stomach had nothing to do with Han Jianfeng!
(End of this chapter)

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