After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 768 Ou Ruting Has a Date with Song Yiran!

Chapter 768 Ou Ruting Has a Date with Song Yiran!

Ou Ruting hesitated again and again, and finally chose to call Song Yiran!
Although the relationship between the two is not as good as before, and the previous relationship between the two was maintained on the surface, but now she also thinks of someone who can help her!
She was so suffocated that she was going crazy, the only thought in her mind was that she must marry Han Jianfeng!
Song Yiran has always had a lot of evil ideas. Since she suggested this to herself at the beginning, she must be able to think of other ways to deal with it.

Ou Ruting didn't want to conceive a child so hard. In the end, she couldn't marry Han Jianfeng, and she had to get rid of it. Most importantly, if people found out, she would really have no way to live in the future!
Song Yiran was not surprised at Ou Ruting's sudden appointment with him!
Since Ou Ruting can ask her out, it means that the fish she caught is finally hooked!
Ou Ruting made an appointment in the afternoon because of long nights and dreams. Song Yiran was beyond Ou Ruting's expectation, and agreed very readily!
Ou Ruting didn't want to go home, and she was not in the mood to go shopping, so she went to the agreed place early, a dessert shop for afternoon tea!
They used to come together often before. At that time, Xia Sien hadn't had any accidents, and she and Song Yiran had no estrangement. Although they didn't have such a close relationship on the surface, they were still best friends to outsiders, so the three of them often came here for afternoon tea.

Ou Ruting made an appointment at three o'clock in the afternoon, which was the time for afternoon tea to start!

But she waited at the dessert shop until almost four o'clock, Song Yiran was late.

"Oh, I'm late, I'm really sorry."

Song still said modestly hypocritically, neither in his face nor in his words did he show any apology at all!

Ou Ruting and others were full of anger. She called Song Yiran and sent text messages on the way, but she didn't want this person not only to answer the phone, but also to not reply to the text messages.

If it wasn't because she was really desperate, she wouldn't have waited so long here in such a humiliating way!
Now that he is here, he is pretending to be a fake, which is even more annoying!
But Ou Ruting asked Song Yiran for something today, so she naturally suppressed her temper, but she still couldn't help complaining: "Are you busy with something? You didn't answer my phone, I sent you a message and you didn't reply? It made me sit here, not knowing what to do, thinking that something happened on the way you came. "

"Hehe, if something happens to you, nothing will happen to me."

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran said deliberately with an innocent smile on his face: "Didn't I ask a beautician to do a beauty treatment? The phone is on silent and I didn't hear it, so I came a little late. Since you sincerely asked me to come , shouldn't be angry."

Song Yiran was able to say that he was late because of a beauty treatment, and said so lightly and nonchalantly.

Ou Ruting tightly squeezed the coffee cup in her hand, and tried her best to smile: "It's okay, I'm very grateful for your coming."

"Yeah, I think so too, I didn't let you go, it's considered pretty good." Song Yiran actually climbed along the pole.

Because she knew that the reason why Ou Ruting would ask her out today must be because she had nowhere to go, otherwise, would Ou Ruting ask her out of trouble?

Just kidding!
(End of this chapter)

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