After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 771 Go and see Xia Sien for me

Chapter 771 Go and see Xia Sien for me

"However, when the hair is sent in for a matching check, the identity information of the appraiser is required, and if the appraisal report is falsified, Han Jianfeng can tell at a glance."

Song Yiran gave Ou Ruting a disdainful look: "To say you're stupid is not to belittle you, I think to say you're stupid is to flatter you, just say you're as stupid as a pig. You won't exchange Han Jianfeng's information, In this way, there is no need to change the report, the report that comes out directly has a parent-child relationship. I don’t need to teach you the rest, don’t you still want me to do these for you?”

Listening to Song Yiran's words, Ou Ruting suddenly seemed to finally see a glimmer of light from the sky full of dark clouds, and her face was full of smiles: "Yiran, you are really smart, what do you think I am Didn't think of that."

"Hmph, because you're stupid, how could you think of that." Song Yiran snorted softly, but then continued: "But I want to ask you, didn't you say you don't know the child's Who is the father? Where do you get hair like this? You can't even fake this hair."

Ou Ruting looked happy at first, but she suddenly stopped, and after a while, she said slowly: "I seem to have a little impression, but we can go to the clubhouse I went to last time to stop. Him. I remember that he is a frequent visitor there, as long as you block him, it should be no problem to ask for a hair."

"Go on your own, I can't help you with this favor, but Ou Ruting, courtesy is reciprocal, I helped you, shouldn't you also do me a favor?"

Song still rejected Ou Ruting's idea of ​​pulling her to block the man, and suddenly smiled at Ou Ruting.

Ou Ruting was stared at by her smile, and her heart shuddered: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Song Yiran was still smiling: "Actually, it's not that difficult. I just heard that Xia Si'en was released on bail by Xu Qinqi. Go and see her for me. I want to ask her to catch up with each other, but I'm afraid she won't see me."

Although Xia Si'en was released on bail, but due to restrictions, he couldn't leave the capital!

So I have always lived in a residential area in the suburbs of Nanjing, Xu Qinqi City. The location of the residential area is very remote, and there is no subway, and there is nothing around except a supermarket. They were all alone at home.

Xu Qinqi would come, but only once since she came out, most of the time it was Xu Qinqi's assistant who came to see her.

It is nothing more than to see if she is living in the house well, whether she has done stupid things, and whether she has run away.
Xia Si'en actually thought it was quite funny, how could she run away, maybe she would be arrested before getting in the car.

And she is very afraid of death, so naturally she won't do stupid things!
It's just that if you live alone for a long time, you will inevitably be lonely!
So sometimes, she would go to the playground in the community to see the children in the community having fun.

Because of the scars on her face, she was afraid of other people's strange eyes, so she always went out wearing a mask.

It was very late in the afternoon and the weather was fine.

Xia Sien still wore a mask and watched the children happily chasing after each other in the playground. To be honest, she was quite envious.

(End of this chapter)

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