After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 773 Ou Ruting Goes to Xia Sien

Chapter 773 Ou Ruting Goes to Xia Sien
"What's the use of arrogance, she was kicked out by the Gu family in the end, and now I'm afraid her life is worse than that of a dog. I heard that she has gone crazy, haha, this is simply retribution." Xia Sien's hatred for Song Yiran, It is definitely not something that can be resolved in a few words.

Listening to Xia Sien's words, Ou Ruting understood in her heart that Song Yiran was right. Xia Sien still thought that Song Yiran had been kicked out of the Gu family.

I thought Song Yiran was down and out, so I stayed here with peace of mind!
If she knew that Song Yiran was not living the life she imagined, she would be pissed off!

"No, Song Yiran was taken back home by his old man Gu, and he is still working at Gu's." Ou Ruting deliberately pretended to be surprised: "Si En, don't you know? It was a long time ago."

Xia Si'en really didn't know, because she was here, and the news was almost blocked!

Even Xu Qinqi's assistant came to visit her occasionally, but basically he didn't talk to her. Basically, after checking how she was doing, he left immediately!
And Xu Qinqi would not say such things to her, so she knew that Song Yiran's situation was the situation before she was released on bail!

She always thought that Song Yiran was crazy, and then he was kicked out of the Gu family, living a life that would be worse than death just like her!

I didn't expect it to be so good!

Why can Song still live such a good life after hurting her?

Why did Song still hurt her, but didn't need to pay any price?
Xia Sien's heart was suddenly unbalanced, hatred welled up, and even his eyes changed.

"Did she really go back to Gu's house? Is the news true?"

Ou Ruting nodded quickly: "It's absolutely true, everyone in the capital knows it, Sien, don't you know?"

Xia Si'en said in a deep voice, "I don't know. If I knew, would I still be able to let her live so freely. She intentionally caused me to have a miscarriage and killed my child. I haven't asked her to pay back this life."

"Child? You and Song Yiran still have a child dispute? But then again, Sien, would you like to make an appointment with Song Yiran for me? I think you guys had a lot of misunderstandings before?"

Ou Ruting saw that Xia Sien had slowly followed her way, so she said it on purpose.

Anyway, Song still just asked her to ask Xia Sien out, as long as she did, she would be done!
At this moment, Xia Sien's mind was really filled with hatred, and he couldn't think about it properly at all. Hearing Ou Ruting's words, he naturally responded with a full mouth.

According to what had been discussed in advance, Ou Ruting asked for Xia Sien's phone number, and she pretended to tell her that if she had an appointment with Song Yiran, she would call her.

He also said that Song Yiran's relationship with him is not very good now, and he doesn't know if he can make an appointment!

In fact, Song Yiran deliberately asked Ou Ruting to say these words, in order to make Xia Sien anxious, and then take the initiative to find her.

Song still understands Xia Si'en, a typical woman with no brains, and also the most impatient one!
If he had calmed down at the beginning, he wouldn't have ended up in the current situation!

For Xia Sien's revenge, Song still felt that he had to take revenge.

Didn't Xia Si'en also want to find her, that's just right, let's solve it together this time!
(End of this chapter)

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