After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 776 It's Yi Fei

Chapter 776 It's Yi Fei

Hu Xianya glanced at Zai Zai, the little guy was playing happily in Hu Yanqian's arms.

Thinking of Hu Yanqian taking Zai Zai for so long, it was indeed hard work. He was originally a fun-loving person, but it was not easy for him to become a "family man" for her!
But thinking so in her heart, Hu Xianya still gave Hu Yanqian a look on the surface: "If you feel uncomfortable later, see how I can settle accounts with you."

"Don't worry, don't worry, nothing will happen." Seeing that Hu Xianya had been deceived, Hu Yanqian naturally heaved a sigh of relief!
In contrast to taking Zai Zai out to pick up girls, if Hu Qianya knew that she was giving advice to Han Jianfeng, she might have to skin him!

Maybe the misunderstanding with Han Jianfeng will deepen!

He doesn't want to be this sinner!

The news of Han Jianfeng's injury spread quickly, and after a while, Lorna rushed over!
Of course Ou Ruting came with Lorna!

As soon as Luo Na came in and looked at Han Jianfeng who was lying on the hospital bed, her face turned pale immediately, and she stepped forward and called out distressedly: "Oh, oh, my Jianfeng, why did you become like this?"

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry. Zai Zai is just here, so go and have a look."

Han Jianfeng looked at Lorna as if the sky was falling down, her head was full of black lines!
It's true that Luo Na feels sorry for him, but he is really fine, and he, a big man, really can't find anything to comfort her!
It was only then that Luo Na seemed to see Hu Xianya and the cub in Hu Yanqian's arms who were standing aside.

Lorna's eyes were shining, and she immediately abandoned Han Jianfeng, who was dying of pain a second ago, and ran towards Zai Zai.

Under Hu Xianya's gesture, Hu Yanqian gave the baby to Luo Na!
Lorna also knew how to measure, she didn't carry her out, but sat down on the sofa in the ward, teasing the little guy.

Look at Zai Zai's face full of doting smiles!

Ou Ruting didn't expect Hu Xianya to be here. Although she was very, very upset about the matter, she was still distressed when she saw Han Jianfeng's leg lying on the bed with a plaster cast. Is it like this?"

The reason why Ou Ruting came with Luo Na was because she already got the hair of the child's father, and she went to Han's house today to tell Luo Na that she agreed to do a paternity test!
But he didn't expect that before he finished speaking, he received a call from the hospital, and then the two hurried over.

"You should go back and ask your mother, she must know better than me." Han Jianfeng said coldly, his attitude was really bad!
Don't blame him, Han Jianfeng really doesn't want to see Song Yiran at this moment!
"My mother?" Yi Fei hasn't gone back yet, Song Yiran naturally doesn't know!

Hu Yanqian answered quickly from the side at this time: "It was your mother who pushed Han Jianfeng off the elevator, otherwise why would his leg be hurt? Could it be self-torture?"

"How is it possible?" Ou Ruting couldn't believe it!

"It may or may not be possible, you will find out if you ask."

Rona seemed surprised when she heard it: "Is it really Yi Fei?"

Han Jianfeng nodded: "Well, it's her."

"It's too much, this Yi Fei, last time he went to smash our yard, and this time he hurt you again?"

(End of this chapter)

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