After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 795 About Family Property

Chapter 795 About Family Property
Gu's security is notoriously strict, Song still thought that Yi Fei would be driven away after only two seconds of trouble, but she didn't want to leave after ten minutes of trouble.

Although the Gu family is big, Song Yiran's status is really special. If the trouble continues like this, everyone in the company will have to wait to see her jokes.

Song Yiran couldn't sit still and went downstairs!
As soon as Yi Fei saw her, he rushed up and shouted: "Song Yiran, my daughter is still in JCJ, tell me where you got Xia Sien."

Yi Fei was really worried, Ou Ruting had been locked up for so long, after she came out, Yi Fei went to see Ou Ruting, only to find that Ou Ruting had lost a lot of weight in just a few days.

Ou Ruting became pregnant very soon, and Yi Fei was afraid that she would not be able to bear such a torment.

Ou Ruting started to cry when she saw Yi Fei, and then begged Yi Fei to come to Song Yiran. Even if Song Yifei refused to admit that the previous incident was premeditated, she would at least tell them what happened to Xia Sien. up.

Yi Fei was already impatient, seeing Ou Ruting crying so hard, she couldn't care less, she didn't even go home to change clothes, and went directly to Gu's house.

It's just that when I went to Gu's house, I met Qin Zexi, so I came to Gu's side.

Song still frowned, looked at Yi Fei, and then glanced around the hall.

Except for the security guards, there are not many people here.

It's just that the security guards are here and Yi Fei is making trouble here, but no one comes to stop them.

Song Yiran just glanced at it, and he understood in his heart that there was no other reason why the security guard refused to come so blatantly, but Yi Fei was here to make trouble, and he was acquiesced.

As for who acquiesced, you don't need to think about it.

Song Yiran couldn't help chuckling, and then turned his attention to Yi Fei, and then said, "Auntie, haven't you been imprisoned enough last time? Come to me as soon as you are released. It's really persistent. If I wanted to tell you where Xia Sien was, I would have told you the last time we met, so why wait until now?"

"You mean, you know but you just don't tell us?"

Yi Fei naturally understood the meaning of her words in an instant!

Song still nodded: "Yes, I know, but I won't tell you."

"You." When Yi Fei heard this, he was almost not blown away, and raised his hand, wanting to hit Song Yiran.

But this time, Song Yiran pinched his wrist. Song Yiran looked at Yi Fei with a sarcastic smile in his eyes: "Do you think I can let you beat me for nothing this time?"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Yi Fei back hard, and then shook off her arm.

Yi Fei staggered two steps back, but did not fall.

"Song Yiran, why do you want to kill our family Ruting? You obviously know the whereabouts of Xia Sien, why don't you tell me? Tell me, where did you get Xia Sien? Do you believe that I will report you to JCJ right now?"

Yi Fei was very angry, but he was helpless, his face was flushed with anxiety, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.

Song Yiran didn't care anyway, and chuckled lightly: "Auntie, if you could report on it, would you still come to me now? I told you clearly a long time ago that I would not tell you Xia Sien's whereabouts .”

(End of this chapter)

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