After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 799 Han Jianfeng 2 Enters the Hospital

Chapter 799 Han Jianfeng enters the hospital for the second time

It's just that Yi Fei grabbed Ou Shangli's clothes and refused to let go.

Auchanli has to hold the steering wheel with one hand, and pull Yi Fei with the other hand, and pay attention to the roads ahead, left and right, there is no way to tear Yi Fei away.

"Yi Fei, are you really a shrew? Even if I found someone outside, I was forced by you."

Ou Shangli was really angry, so angry that he couldn't choose what to say.

It's just that Yi Fei at this time, how can he hear that Auchanli's words are actually angry words. Naturally, when he hears his ears, he will feel that he is someone outside, and even more forcefully tugs on Auchanli's clothes, Wanting to get his phone: "Ou Shangli, I knew it, I knew it, you give me the phone number, I want to see which little fairy actually fascinated you like this."

"Yi Fei, let me go."

Auchan tugged on Yi Fei's arm, not wanting her to get his phone.

Both of them were very angry, so they kept arguing. Ou Shangli wanted to disperse his energy to deal with Yi Fei, so naturally he couldn't drive properly.

It's just that he saw that he had already gone home anyway, and he could go directly into the yard after turning a corner, but he didn't stop, and he was still holding the steering wheel alone, and then stepped on the accelerator.

What he didn't expect was that when he was distracted from arguing with Yi Fei, the courtyard door of the Han family next door opened and a car suddenly drove out.

Unfortunately, Yi Fei suddenly took out the phone from his suit pocket.

"Give it to me." When Ou Shangli was angry, he was about to grab the phone, but he didn't want to step on the accelerator suddenly, and before he had time to turn the steering wheel, the car rushed forward, and then directly towards The car coming out of the Han family ran into it.

It hit the seat behind the car directly, and then the body was knocked out of a large deep hole.

Today was originally the day when Han Jianfeng was discharged from the hospital. After staying in the hospital for a few days, Hu Xianya often went there.

Han Jianfeng quite enjoyed this kind of treatment, even if Hu Xianya's attitude towards him was still hot and cold, but seeing her often made Han Jianfeng feel very comfortable.

What's more, when Hu Qianya went, she always carried her cub, and Lorna was extremely happy to see her often, so Han Jianfeng was a blessing in disguise.

It was just a procrastination to be discharged from the hospital, and finally he could not procrastinate any longer, so Han Jianfeng had no choice but to be discharged from the hospital very reluctantly.

Because he was delayed from work for several days, Han Jianfeng, who was discharged from the hospital, went home and packed up before going to the company.

How did you know that just after leaving the yard, I didn't expect to enter the hospital again.

The collision was a bit serious, Han Jianfeng's car was scrapped immediately, but the driver had no problems, and Han Jianfeng in the back seat was directly hit and stuck in the car.

When the ambulance and fire engine arrived, Han Jianfeng was carried out covered in blood.

When Hu Xianya received the call, she even thought it was Han Jianfeng deliberately joking with her.

Because Han Jianfeng was unwilling to be discharged from the hospital before, and she knew that he wanted to wait until the plaster cast was removed.

After confirming that the call was from Han Jianfeng's assistant, she seemed to react.

It's just that on the way to the hospital, Hu Xianya was still lucky, thinking that Han Jianfeng was just joking with her.

(End of this chapter)

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