After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 801 Han Jianfeng 2 Enters the Hospital

Chapter 801 Han Jianfeng enters the hospital for the second time

As soon as Yi Fei heard Ou Shangli's words, he became very angry: "Ou Shangli, do you have a conscience in what you say? I was imprisoned for a few days, and it's fine if you don't visit me, but you didn't even have a good word. Why do I quarrel with you, don't you know? It's just to let you say something nice to me to make me feel better. "

"You also know that we have been a couple for decades, and I have been with you for decades..."

Yi Fei was very aggrieved, and naturally spoke a little loudly.

This is the entrance of the operating room, everyone's heart is extremely heavy, but Ou Shangli and Yi Fei quarreled, which made everyone unhappy.

Han Donglou looked at Lorna, and greeted Hu Qianya, then looked at Ou Shangli and Yi Fei, and then said with a deep voice, "If you want to quarrel, please change your position."

"Who said we were arguing? Besides, this is not your home. We are willing to stand here and talk. Is there a problem?" Yi Fei's brain became hot, and he immediately responded sharply.

After I finished speaking, I realized that because I was angry, what I said seemed inappropriate.

It's just that the words have already been spoken, and it is very difficult to take them back.

Ou Shangli was almost killed by Yi Fei's anger. He gave her a hard look, and then said to Han Dong: "She is a little panicked, so she speaks a little carelessly, please understand."

"To understand or not to understand, let's not talk about it for the time being. If there is nothing wrong with Jian Feng, then it is good, but if there is something wrong, it is definitely not so easy to turn over."

Han Dong didn't look too fierce, but his extreme dissatisfaction was shown in the words he said.

Ou Shangli looked embarrassed, but he was at fault for this matter, and there was nothing wrong with what Han Dong said, so he just laughed dryly and didn't respond.

"You hit Han Jianfeng's car?" Hu Xianya, who was standing aside, suddenly spoke.

"none of your business?"

Yi Fei already had a lot of opinions and dissatisfaction with Hu Qianya, so when he heard her speak, he was naturally annoyed.

"What's none of my business?" Hu Qianya sneered, looking at Yi Fei, "I'll let you see if it's none of my business."

After Hu Xianya finished speaking, she took out the phone and hung up after only two or three sentences.

Yi Fei looked at her as if she didn't make any next move, but looked at her contemptuously: "I thought what were you thinking, did you want to call some strong men over to threaten me again? Let me tell you, Hu Qianya, JC is guarding outside, if you shout, try it."

"Do you think you are naive?" Hu Qianya didn't want to talk to her at all.

"You." Yi Fei stared angrily, and when he was about to say something, Ou Shangli's phone next to him suddenly rang, and then interrupted what Yi Fei wanted to say later.


Ou Shangli picked up the phone, and the person on the other side seemed to say something, Ou Shangli was startled, and his expression immediately changed.

After a pause, he looked at Hu Xianya: "Why did you do this? We, Oushi, have no influence on your company, and we don't have any projects that can affect you, so that you can accept us. Can you give me a reasonable reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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