After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 819 Su Zhaoxue Appears Suddenly

Chapter 819 Su Zhaoxue Appears Suddenly
Originally, I came here full of joy, but I didn't expect to encounter such a scene.

Su Zhaoxue didn't know what to do, but at this moment she was so wronged that she was about to cry.

"I'd better go back first."

Turning around quickly, she didn't want to shed tears in front of Qin Zexi at all.

Actually, as soon as she turned around, Qin Zexi suddenly pulled her back: "You come in with me first."

Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to follow Qin Zexi into the office.

After entering, Qin Zexi closed the door, hugged Niu Niu, and placed her on the sofa in the reception area, and surrounded Niu Niu to prevent her from falling down suddenly.

Su Zhaoxue was worried, and planned to hug Niuniu up, but Qin Zexi grabbed her again.

Su Zhaoxue instinctively wanted to get rid of him, but she didn't expect that not only did she not get rid of him, but she was directly hugged by Qin Zexi's waist, and then leaned against the cabinet behind her.

Su Zhaoxue felt a little unhappy, frowned and wanted to push him away: "What are you doing, can you let me go first?"

"I let you go, can you still listen to me?"

Qin Zexi naturally knew Su Zhaoxue well, and knew that she was sulking and making trouble with herself at this moment. If he didn't be tougher now, they wouldn't be able to chat this day at all.

"Then what do you want to say?" Su Zhaoxue suddenly stopped struggling, and raised her head to look at Qin Zexi.

It's just that the eyes are full of coldness, and there is also a strong anger.

"You're angry."

Su Zhaoxue didn't expect Qin Zexi's first sentence to be this.

I was caught off guard for a moment, unable to turn the corner in my head, and simply admitted directly: "Yes, I am just angry, can I not be angry? You said I came to you, and you showed me What is it? Would you be happy if it was me and a man like this?"

"Well, then I chopped off his hand."

A deep voice suddenly rang in his ears, and Su Zhaoxue subconsciously looked towards Qin Zexi, only to find that this guy was still laughing secretly.

Su Zhaoxue didn't know what was wrong, she was a little irritable, but because of his smile, it dissipated a lot, but the feeling of discomfort in her heart was still there.

In fact, Su Zhaoxue believed in Qin Zexi, she felt that Qin Zexi would not have anything to do with Song Yiran.

It's just that what Song Yiran said before leaving made her a little uncomfortable.

More importantly, she still wanted to hear Qin Zexi's explanation.

Sometimes, believing is what you believe, but more often than not, a man's explanation is actually more important.

"Song Yiran came to ask me about the division of Xu's assets from Gu's."

Qin Zexi looked at her steadfastly, and suddenly raised his hand to gently trim her hair.

"Didn't it be separated long ago?" Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised.

"The assets that belonged to the Gu family were divided as soon as she said they should be. I had someone freeze those assets yesterday. I plan to use this to negotiate with Xu Qinqi."

Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised: "Negotiation? With Xu Qinqi? What are you talking about with him?"

"Talk about Song Yiran. Song Yiran has hidden Xia Sien. If Xu Qinqi is willing to help, Song Yiran will definitely not be able to escape this time."

Qin Zexi suddenly laughed.

"Then are you sure Xu Qinqi will help? Isn't he and Song still together?"

(End of this chapter)

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