After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 821 Song still has bad intentions

Chapter 821 Song still has bad intentions
"It's really not worth mentioning." Mr. Gu nodded in agreement.

Song still thought that his words had finally made the old man tempted, so he hurriedly continued to the side: "Grandpa, you think so too, right, Xu's assets are not much in the first place. That half of my inheritance was deducted, this Qin Zexi didn't know why, he was just so stingy, but he just didn't want to give it to me, so you go and tell me."

"Yiran." After listening to Song Yiran's words, Mr. Gu suddenly called out to her with a smile: Don't you like Zexi, why do you like Xu Qinqi again now?Because of him, you don't even like Zexi anymore? "

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that his face was red all of a sudden, and he deliberately pretended to be coquettish: "Oh, grandpa, you will make fun of me, I like Qin Zexi, but people don't like me , You see, you let Su Zhaoxue in, and now you even have a child, what can I do, do you want me to destroy their marriage?"

"So you plan to get on with that Xu Qinqi?"

Mr. Gu didn't say anything, but asked suddenly.

Song Yiran looked at Mr. Gu suspiciously, not understanding why the old man suddenly wanted to ask her this, he pondered for a while, and then said with a smile: "Grandpa, what are you talking about, I don't plan to get married. "

"Since you don't like that Xu Qinqi, then don't give this property away." Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu also reacted quickly, as if he was waiting for her words.

Song Yiran didn't react for a while, so he hurriedly asked: "Why, Grandpa, I already said that the assets have been divided, and it will be fine if it is under my name."

"Still, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? When your mother came to beg me, I didn't give it to you. Do you think I will give it to you now? No matter what method you use, since you entered my Gu family The gate is the property of my Gu family. I don’t care whether it was Xu or Zhang surnamed Wang before, but now it is in my Gu family, so it must be Gu. It can create benefits for the Gu family. Do you think you Divided from your assets, is it considered finished?"

"But grandpa..."

Song was still eager to explain something.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Gu: "If you insist on dividing this part of the assets, that's also possible."

Song Yiran was overjoyed. He originally thought that Mr. Gu would not agree, but he didn't expect that there was still room for negotiation.

"You create a life, which means that you give up Gu's other assets, as long as you only need this part. Then I will ask Zexi to divide this part of the assets and give it to you, and then you take this part of the assets and leave."

After Mr. Gu's words fell silent, Song Yiran finally understood what he meant.

Squinting his eyes, the look in his eyes that looked at Mr. Gu suddenly changed, and he chuckled softly: "Grandpa, you don't want to drive me away all the time, do you hate me so much?"

"I'll give you everything you want, what else do you want? Song Yiran, I believe you should understand the truth of being insatiable. If you are like your mother, and you will be responsible for your life, I will not will do this to you."

(End of this chapter)

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