After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 845 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Chapter 845 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

When Hu Qianya came in, Su Zhaoxue was looking down at Niuniu in the cradle, so she didn't notice her coming in.

Waiting for Hu Xianya to suddenly pounce on her, patted her on the shoulder, and called her crisply: "Hey, young lady, do you miss me?"

Su Zhaoxue turned her head and saw Hu Xianya who was smiling towards her.

"Why are you here?" Su Zhaoxue was surprised, pulling her and talking.

Hu Xianya smiled: "Well, it's the anniversary of Miss Sister's company, why don't I come?"

"Are you alone?" Su Zhaoxue quickly pulled Hu Xianya to sit beside her, and glanced at her empty back.

"That's right, Hu Yanqian is taking care of the little boy. It's not convenient to take the little boy on such an occasion. I don't feel relieved to hand it over to other people. It just so happens that Han Jianfeng's mother has time today, so I asked her to go to the hospital to take care of it first. I'll go when I'm done here."

Su Zhaoxue nodded and looked at Hu Xianya: "Has Han Jianfeng's condition improved recently?"

"It's just like that. If I react, I just can't wake up." Hu Xianya seemed a little helpless: "I'm just an ordinary person now, and there's nothing I can do."

Hu Xianya's face was originally very thin and small, but she was probably really tired recently, so she looked even smaller, and there were heavy dark circles under her eyes, even though she was wearing makeup at the moment, But you can still vaguely see a circle of black and blue. Wouldn't it be more serious if you didn't put on makeup?

Su Zhaoxue loves her dearly, even if Han Jianfeng treated her badly before, she has never been haggard like this.

Now, in order to take care of Han Jianfeng, he tossed himself so haggardly.

Standing up and hugging Hu Xianya, Su Zhaoxue threw her arms around her and almost couldn't hug her!

She was really too thin, so thin that Su Zhaoxue hugged her like this, afraid of hurting her.

Su Zhaoxue's distressed eyes were red: "Xuan'er, it's really hard for you. Even if you take care of Han Jianfeng, you have to take care of yourself."

"Oh, Miss, I'm fine." Hu Qianya patted Su Zhaoxue's back comfortingly, pushed her away, and then smiled at her: "I've always been so thin, and it's not because Take care of Han Jianfeng to lose weight."

He said in that very disdainful tone: "He's not worth my weight for him."

Su Zhaoxue knew that Hu Xianya was comforting her, so she didn't want to continue talking, just smiled and pulled her to sit down: "You just need to understand in your heart, the brat needs you, your own body is the only one that needs you." It's the most important thing. By the way, didn't you say last time that you were going to find Ou Ruting's mother? Have you ever gone to see her?"

"I've looked for it. Yi Fei is fine. She is a pleasure-seeking person. As long as she is given the right amount of money so that she can continue to live a good life, even if she is called my grandma now, she is willing."

It was obviously a sarcastic remark, but when it came out of Hu Xianya's mouth, everything that came out made one couldn't help but want to laugh.

Su Zhaoxue pursed her lips and joked, "It's not just grandma, it's okay to call you ancestor at your age."

"Oh, miss, you're making fun of me." Hu Qianya didn't mind, she was still smiling.

"Okay, I won't make fun of you anymore. There is nothing wrong with Yifei, but the crux of the problem is Ou Ruting. Ou Ruting wants to marry Han Jianfeng wholeheartedly. Can she compromise so easily?"

(End of this chapter)

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