Chapter 855
In fact, Xu Qinqi has been at the anniversary meeting all the time, but he was not in the crowd, but found a place with few people. The people he arranged each had a walkie-talkie with the same frequency as him. In any case, he was on the sidelines directing.

Originally thought that even if things were not successful, he would have no influence.

But he didn't want to, Song was still erratically looking for someone off the stage, and he sold him out directly.

Qin Zexi had already discovered the clue, but he just kept silent. The look he gave Zhong Lian just now was to remind Zhong Lian to come and take a look.

That is to say, Zhong Lian could understand Qin Zexi, but if it were someone else, he might not know what it meant when Qin Zexi suddenly looked at him.

When he was taken away, Xu Qinqi was very cooperative, because he knew in his heart that even if Xia Sien was found, it had nothing to do with him.

So he didn't panic at all.

It's just that compared to her not panicking, Song Yiran has a different performance!

When he was taken out of the hall, Song Yiran saw Xu Qinqi outside at a glance.

She was flustered at first, but now she is even more flustered and doesn't even know how to go.

Originally, she really wanted to go up and ask Xu Qinqi what was going on.

But Xu Qinqi's eyes quickly stopped her. In fact, Xu Qinqi didn't know what happened, even how Xia Si'en was found, but now Xu Qinqi knew it very clearly in his heart. If you want yourself to be safe and sound, you can't have anything to do with Song Yiran.

Xu Qinqi and Song still got into the car separately, one for each, with two people watching them.

After being taken back, they were also separated.

Song was still locked in a room alone, and a woman interrogated her.

Song Yiran was really scared to death. She had thought and calculated, but she never thought that she would come here in the end.

But regarding the kidnapping of Xia Si'en, even if Song Yiran was afraid, she would definitely not admit it.

Because she knew that once she admitted it, she would be finished.

But since he was able to bring Song Yiran back, there must be conclusive evidence.

After interrogating for a long time, seeing that Song Yiran still refused to tell the truth, he brought Xia Sien here directly.

As soon as Xia Sien saw Song Yiran, he rushed over to hit her, but luckily someone nearby grabbed Xia Sien directly.

"Song Yiran, you despicable villain, let me tell you, even if I die, I will drag you to hell."

Looking at Xia Sien's terrifying posture, Song Yiran was still startled, hurriedly took a few steps back in horror, and then pretended to be calm before saying to Xia Sien: "Xia Sien, you are really ridiculous, you killed me If you are like this, you should go to hell."

When Song Yiran was talking, he even pointed to his stomach!

Song Yiran's stomach is not very visible yet, but due to physical reasons, the child she is pregnant with cannot be aborted, otherwise she may not be able to have children for the rest of her life.

Although Song Yiran hated the child in his womb, after weighing the pros and cons in the end, he decided to give birth to the child.

"You deserve it, you caused my child to miscarry, and I want you to taste that pain."

(End of this chapter)

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