After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 858 What a coincidence

Chapter 858 What a coincidence
Until just now, although she didn't make it very clear, Su Zhaoxue still understood.

No wonder Qin Zexi was so confident before, and asked her to tell Hu Qianya to negotiate with Ou Ruting. It turned out that he had already made plans in his heart.

"It's not on purpose, it's just that I expected Song to still come, but I'm not sure, so I just made preparations in advance."

"So when you drove Song Yiran out that day, you expected that she would go to Xia Si'en?"

"Do you really think I have the ability to predict in advance as your husband?" Who knows that Qin Zexi suddenly smiled and pinched her face after hearing her words.

Su Zhaoxue also felt that the question she asked was a little silly, and stuck out her tongue: "I just think it's too coincidental, why would Song Yiran go to Xia Si'en as soon as he was kicked out?"

"Then there must be one more thing that you would never have thought of." Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows, but said suddenly.

"Huh?" Su Zhaoxue didn't quite understand what he meant: "What's the matter?"

"Xu Qinqi also participated in this matter."

"Ah?" Su Zhaoxue would never have thought of this.

Qin Zexi looked at her surprised appearance, and smiled involuntarily: "Ah, what, didn't you expect that?"

Su Zhaoxue nodded seriously: "Well, Xia Sien was guaranteed by Xu Qinqi. He is also responsible for what happened to Xia Sien. Isn't he playing with fire and setting himself on fire?"

"Oh, Xu Qinqi is not that stupid. I guess the reason why he would do this is that as long as he still wants to rely on Song Yiran to take back the assets that Xu's company was acquired by Gu's at the beginning, when he approached Gu Ping, it was this The purpose is just that Gu Ping failed to help him and is no longer here, so he came to Song Yiran."

"But I don't know how to find a way to use Song Yiran. It just so happened that Xia Sien and Song Yiran had a grudge, so he deliberately used Xia Sien."

"It's just that Xu Qinqi didn't participate in the whole process. He just gave Song Yiran a chance to start this matter, let Song Yiran know Xia Si'en's whereabouts, and gave her a chance to take revenge. So even if the matter is revealed, He can also retreat completely, at most he will be warned, and it will be harmless."

"Xu Qinqi is smart, and Song Yiran is naturally not stupid. Whatever Xia Sien's identity, once he disappears, there must be some movement. In order to prevent himself from being involved, Song Yiran went to find Ou Ruting."

Hearing Qin Zexi's words, Su Zhaoxue understood: "After such a big circle, it really is Song Yiran and Xu Qinqi who kidnapped Xia Si'en together, and Ou Ruting just made a scapegoat."

"Ou Ruting is not considered a scapegoat. In fact, when she went to find Xia Sien for Song Yiran, she should have known that the matter is not that simple. Song Yiran will definitely not let Xia Sien go easily. But she still went, And according to Song Yiran's instructions, Xia Si'en was asked out, so she is also responsible for the whole thing."

Just like Qin Zexi's guess, Xu Qinqi gave Song Yiran such an opportunity, and he didn't intend to involve himself in it.

It's just that what I never expected was that my calculations were so precise, but I still failed!

(End of this chapter)

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