Chapter 871

"In that case, I'll take the money back. She doesn't want to leave anyway."

As soon as she heard that the money was going to be taken back, Yi Fei became anxious immediately, and hurriedly said: "Don't, I will take Ru Ting and leave now."

Hu Xianya raised her eyebrows and didn't speak, but looked at Ou Ruting and suddenly chuckled!
That laughter seemed to be mocking Ou Ruting!
Ou Ruting was always aggrieved, but when she saw Hu Qianya's smile, she exploded instantly.

"Hu Qianya, are you rich? We really don't care for your money. If you want to take it back, just take it back."

After speaking, he looked at Yi Fei again, reproachfully: "Mom, why did you take her money? Return the money to her quickly."

"I see you're out of your mind, go, come with me, I'll go out and talk to you if I have anything to say." How could Yi Fei give the money to Hu Xianya, and was about to leave with Ou Ruting.


Ou Ruting saw that Yi Fei couldn't say anything, she threw Yi Fei away, and rushed in front of Lorna, and said eagerly: "Aunt Luo, did you see that, Hu Xianya dropped the sword in order to drive me away?" Feng’s child, and she still wants to use money to make me and my mother leave here completely. She is such a despicable woman, Aunt Luo, you must not be deceived by her, if she stays with Jianfeng, she will definitely kill Jianfeng Front."

"I'm pregnant with Jianfeng's child, you know it, and you said that you want Jianfeng to marry me after I finish the paternity test, Aunt Luo, have you forgotten?"

"At that time, you saw me enter Jianfeng's room with your own eyes, that's why I got pregnant. You can't leave me alone just because I have a miscarriage now."

"You also know that I really have no way to go now, and I was pregnant with Jianfeng's child, and no one will want me in the future. If you ignore me, then I will settle here by myself gone."

Ou Ruting knew that Lorna's heart was very soft, so she said that on purpose!

Crying, making trouble, and hanging himself three times, she still learned from Yi Fei. In the past, Yi Fei liked this look when he was fighting with Auchan at home!
"How much more do you want? Xian Ya didn't give enough, I'll add some more, you take the money and leave."

Listening to Ou Ruting's non-stop mournful voice beside her, Lorna took a deep breath, and then looked at Ou Ruting calmly.

In the past, Ou Ruting also liked to cry pitifully in Luo Na's ear like this. At that time, Luo Na really loved her, so every time she heard her cry like this.Will comply with her request.

It's just that during this period of time, after Han Jianfeng's accident, Lorna thought back on the past, and realized that her previous self was really stupid.

The reason why Han Jianfeng is what he is now, although she is not the main factor, has a lot to do with her.

So once again hearing Ou Ruting's crying like this, Lorna suddenly felt very irritable, but even so, Lorna still didn't say any mean or hurtful words.

She knew what Ou Shi was like now, what Ou Ruting and the others lacked most was money.

So she just thought that the two mothers and daughters were singing together for money.

But what she didn't know was that it was true that Yi Fei was doing it for money, but Ou Ruting was not.

(End of this chapter)

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