Chapter 873

"Slender and elegant..."

Luo Na called Hu Qianya, and at this time she was more regretful and ashamed.

What I regret is that I was stupid before, and what I am ashamed of is that I am so old, what I did did not look like a mature adult at all, and in the end, I was pinned down and used as a threat.

Hu Xianya glanced at Lorna in relief, but didn't speak. At this moment, she actually didn't know what to say to Lorna!
Hu Qianya was actually very angry when she heard what Ou Ruting said.

The former Lorna actually went to get Han Jianfeng drunk in order to help Ou Ruting. Is this Ou Ruting so good?Do you really want her to marry into the Han family?

I just thought about it for a while, but there is actually no problem. The Han family and the Ou family have known each other for so many years. When she came to Han Jianfeng, Ou Ruting was already there. It's a golden boy and a jade girl, a very suitable pair.

It was normal for Lorna to have that thought at the time!
The only thing wrong was that she shouldn't have gotten Han Jianfeng drunk.

Does a man need to use alcohol if he is interested in a woman?

"Hu Xianya, you're pretty self-aware. Let me tell you that the child in my belly belongs to Han Jianfeng, so the Han family must be responsible for me." Hearing what Hu Xianya said, Ou Ruting suddenly It became stiff.

At the same time, I was glad that the child was aborted, and the hospital has probably cleaned up the aborted tissue. As long as she insisted that the child belonged to Han Jianfeng, then even if they wanted to do a paternity test, there would be no problem. There is a way.

It seems that the miscarriage is worth it!
"Well, in this case, you should tell the Han family, not me."

Who knows that Hu Xianya is still not in a hurry.

"Aunt Luo, you heard, Hu Xianya is saying that now, so your Han family should be responsible to me." Ou Ruting gave Hu Xianya a disdainful look, as if she had successfully married Han Jianfeng, and turned Instead, he spoke uprightly to Lorna.

"Your children are gone, what should we be responsible for?" It's just that although Ou Ruting is righteous, Luo Na doesn't want to talk to her at all.

"Hey, Lorna, don't go too far. My daughter was pregnant with your son's child before. Although the child is gone now, my daughter's innocence has been given to your son. Don't you need to be responsible?"

Yi Fei didn't dare to speak for a long time beside him, mainly because he was afraid of Hu Xianya.

It's just that Ou Ruting didn't want to leave at all, and she had no choice.

Listening to the conversation between Ou Ruting and Lorna, Yi Fei suddenly had a new plan in his heart!
If Ou Ruting can marry Han Jianfeng, she can ask the Han family for a large sum of money to marry her daughter, so that even without the money Hu Qianya gave her, she can live a good life, and with the Han family, she In the future, I can continue to eat and wear without worrying about it, and I don’t need to leave the capital to go to a strange place.

After thinking about it, it seems that it would be more cost-effective for Ou Ruting to marry Han Jianfeng.

That's why Yi Fei dared to speak up for Ou Ruting.

"You mean to let the Han family be responsible, and then you don't take Ou Ruting away, do you?" Hu Xianya spoke up after listening to Yi Fei's words.

(End of this chapter)

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