After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 879 Paternity Test Report

Chapter 879 Paternity Test Report
However, at this moment, a sarcastic voice suddenly came in from the door.

Ou Ruting turned her head and saw Hu Qianya who came in with a piece of paper, she was full of displeasure seeing her speaking attitude: "Hu Qianya, when did you have the right to speak here?"

"Well, I don't even have a share to speak, do you think you will?" Hu Qianya laughed.

Ou Ruting was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't quite understand what she meant.

I just paused, as if I suddenly remembered something!
Just now Luo Na said that Hu Xianya is her daughter-in-law!

So what Hu Qianya meant by talking to Ou Ruting now was to talk to Ou Ruting as the daughter-in-law of the Han family.

After realizing it, Ou Ruting suddenly felt as if she had taken gunpowder. She stared at Hu Xianya and said, "Hu Xianya, are you shameless? A dignified president of a multinational company, it's not good to do something, but he just wants to be with you. Someone else robbed the man?"

"Snatching a man? You are so funny! Is Han Jianfeng your man?" Hu Qianya chuckled disdainfully.

"Isn't my man your man? I was pregnant with Han Jianfeng's child before, but it was lost by your despicable means."

When Ou Ruting said that Han Jianfeng was her man, the way she spoke was really justified.

"Then according to what you're saying, I even gave birth to a child for her."

Hu Xianya is not impatient, anyway, Ou Ruting is on her way no matter what.

Ou Ruting really forgot that Hu Xianya had given birth to Han Jianfeng's child, so when she heard about Zai Zai, she immediately froze for a while, but then spoke again quickly : "You are in the past tense. If Han Jianfeng really likes you, you have already given birth to a child. Will he not marry you?"

Ou Ruting was a little flustered and a little guilty. Although she didn't know what happened to Han Jianfeng and Hu Xianya before, and they were not together after giving birth, she knew very well in her heart that Han Jianfeng liked Hu Xianya Yes, the reason why he said that was just to deceive himself, and Hu Xianya by the way.


Hu Xianya suddenly sneered, and the eyes that looked at Ou Ruting were suddenly like a cliff-like drop in temperature, as if the cold snow could be seen.

Although Ou Ruting had forgotten the previous events, Hu Xianya remembered them all.

Why are they not together, why did they become what they are now? Ou Ruting has contributed a lot!
"Ou Ruting, are you sure the child in your stomach is Han Jianfeng's?"

It's just that at this time, Hu Xianya doesn't want to think about the past.

Those bad things will only affect her current mood!

"Yeah, who else can have it if it's not Han Jianfeng's."

Hu Xianya's topic changed too quickly, Ou Ruting couldn't keep up, and almost said the wrong thing because of guilty conscience.

Hu Xianya suddenly raised the paper in her hand: "Then tell me, why does the placental tissue after your miscarriage compare with Han Jianfeng's hair, but it shows that there is no blood relationship?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ou Ruting panicked, and stretched out her hand to snatch the paper from Hu Xianya's hand.

Hu Qianya didn't argue with her, and just gave her the piece of paper.

Ou Ruting lowered her head and took a quick look, immediately thinking of tearing up that piece of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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