Chapter 886

It's just that although Yi Fei opened her mouth, she didn't know how to continue. She didn't know why she reached out and hit Ou Ruting.

"You hit me?"

Ou Ruting was obviously also very shocked, she just realized it, covered her face, and asked Yi Fei in disbelief.

"Ru Ting, I'm not. I didn't mean to."

Yi Fei looked at Ou Ruting anxiously, and tried hard to explain: "I was just too angry, so I couldn't control it for a while."

"Hehe, I can't control it? Are you too angry?" Who knows that Ou Ruting suddenly chuckled: "You are angry because you can't get Hu Xianya's money, and I can't marry into the Han family, there is no way Rely on me to earn you a lot of money. You can’t live a good life, you can’t buy brand-name clothes and bags, of course you are angry. Don’t lie to me with those high-sounding words, just say you It seems so great, what is uncontrollable, in your heart, yourself is always the most important, of course you are out of control."

"Ru Ting, I really didn't mean to hit you. It's true that I was angry because I couldn't get the money and all hope was gone, but I was most angry because you were too persistent."

Yi Fei was really embarrassed by Ou Ruting's words, but she still quickly explained: "You know that Han Jianfeng doesn't like you, so it's impossible for you to marry you, but you still insist on going your own way, even trying to marry him in order to marry him." I gave birth to a stranger's child, I am your mother, I was pregnant and gave birth to you in October, you said I heard you say this, I know this situation, can I not feel sorry for you, can I not worry?"

"You said that you have a high degree of education and good looks. You could have a good life, but you ruined yourself for a Han Jianfeng. Can I not be angry?"

"You said that you are for a Han Jianfeng, and now you don't even care about your parents. You say that I am your mother, how should I think about it."

"I want Hu Xianya's money. It's for myself on the surface, but in the end I'm not for you. I can live for a few more years, but you still have most of your life. With such a large amount of money, even if I I like to buy brand-name clothes and bags, but so what, how much can I use, the rest is not all yours."

"It's in your name, but it's not you who will benefit in the end."

Yi Fei said a lot, and at the end her eyes were red and her throat started to choke, but at this moment, Ou Ruting heard it very ironic, she chuckled lightly, and then said: " Yi Fei, you are really good at talking. Why didn’t I think you were so good at talking before? It’s ridiculous. You can even say that I am the one who benefits in the end. Don’t say anything Talking nonsense, everything is for me. Yi Fei, Yi Fei, can’t you be more honest? You are for yourself, you just want to live a good life. "

"Ru Ting me." Yi Fei still wanted to explain.

"There must be something in the hot water." However, Ou Ruting suddenly interrupted her.

Yi Fei paused, looked at Ou Ruting in a daze, and moved his lips: "What are you talking about, hot water, something, why can't I understand a word?"

(End of this chapter)

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