After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 893 Drive Away Ou Ruting

Chapter 893 Drive Away Ou Ruting

He just said so, but he still cooperated and sat next to Han Jianfeng.

Han Jianfeng looked at her with a soft smile in his eyes, and even Lorna who was infected by the side was full of smiles.

"Han Jianfeng, why did you treat me like this? How did I feel sorry for you?"

But Ou Ruting watched this scene from the side, but it was not so pleasant!
Seeing Ou Ruting who was still here, Han Jianfeng frowned impatiently.

Hu Xianya glanced at him sideways, and then she gave Hu Yanqian a look.

Hu Yanqian understood, and waved to the security guard who was still behind him: "Go and get her out."

I was going to take Ou Ruting out just now, but Han Jianfeng suddenly woke up, so he was in a hurry and forgot.

"Which of you dares to touch me?" Ou Ruting heard that she was going to be taken out, subconsciously took a defensive posture.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing this, Yi Fei hurriedly wanted to protect Ou Ruting.

But they didn't want to, but in the end the two were framed out together.

After Ou Ruting left, she looked at Han Jianfeng on the hospital bed and Hu Xianya who was sitting beside her. Although at this time, as a mother, she had a lot to say to her son, she also knew that no matter how much she talked, it should be Give the opportunity to let the younger couple talk first.

Smiling, he found an excuse: "Since Jian Feng is awake, I'll go back and get some soup to make up for him. Xian Ya, you are here to accompany Jian Feng."

After Luo Na finished speaking, she turned around with a smile, and when she left, she didn't forget to pull Hu Yanqian to leave with her.

After closing the door of the ward, I was afraid that Hu Yanqian would go back again, so I reminded him: "Jianfeng just woke up, and the young couple must have a lot to talk about, so don't go over there and make trouble."

The young couple that Luo Na deliberately mentioned was nothing more than to tell Hu Yanqian that Han Jianfeng and Hu Xianya are a couple!
Hu Yanqian naturally understood what Luo Na said, but he didn't care too much, and he could understand what Luo Na was thinking.

After going through so many things, Hu Xianya is almost equivalent to a daughter-in-law in Luo Na's heart now, and Luo Na also knows that Han Jianfeng likes Hu Xianya very much. There are no men around Hu Xianya.

But Hu Yanqian, a man, has always been by Hu Xianya's side. Although everyone knows that the relationship between Hu Xianqian and Hu Xianya is very simple, it is not surprising that there are precautions in this regard.

Smiling, she still explained: "Auntie, don't worry, I still have this vision, I won't bother them, my relationship with Xian Ya is too simple, you can let it go 1 hearts, in my heart Hu Qianya is just like my sister, if she is really with Han Jianfeng, then Han Jianfeng is my brother-in-law, I am 1 happy."

Hu Yanqian was telling the truth, but he didn't say that if Hu Xianya was really with Han Jianfeng, he would be the first person to raise his hands and feet in favor of blessing, why, because in that case, he wouldn't have to Being a nanny is "destroyed"!

But he only dared to think about it in his heart, and he never dared not say it. The most important thing was that he was afraid of Hu Xianya!

Well, afraid of being sent back!
He still wants to pick up girls and drink!

(End of this chapter)

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