Chapter 9
Qin Zexi lowered his head, with no expression on his handsome face.

Looking at Su Zhaoxue was like looking at a strange object, stretched out his hand, and handed over the dark red notebook in his hand: "Let's go."

Su Zhaoxue glanced blankly at the three big characters "Hukou Booklet" on the dark red book, but didn't answer it!
Qin Zexi waited for a few seconds, seeing that she still didn't respond, he frowned slightly, and suddenly threw the account book into her arms, and pulled her towards the window.

Before she could react, the red notebook had already appeared in front of her.

The staff in charge of the registration handed her the marriage certificate: "Congratulations to you two for a hundred years of marriage."

"Then, let's go." Qin Zexi saw her staring at the marriage certificate, motionless, a smile flashed in her eyes, but she quickly returned to normal, turned around and walked outside.

This time, he didn't need to hold her back. Anyway, I got the marriage certificate, so I wasn't afraid of her running away.

Su Zhaoxue's mind seemed to wake up now, she grabbed her marriage certificate and trotted out.

At the door, Qin Zexi was going down the stairs, Su Zhaoxue quickened her pace, and then called out, "Wait a minute, President Qin."

President Qin?
Su Zhaoxue's title made Qin Zexi very dissatisfied. His face, which was originally quite bright, suddenly sank, and his footsteps also stopped.

Su Zhaoxue ran in a hurry and managed to catch up. She wanted to take a good breath, but was suddenly frightened by Qin Zexi's gloomy appearance.

He held his breath in his chest and couldn't get it out for a long time.

Seeing Su Zhaoxue's suffocated flushed cheeks and big watery eyes full of aggrieved appearance, the displeasure in Qin Zexi's heart dissipated like passing clouds.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Qin Zexi is used to being cold and cold on weekdays. Even though he deliberately softened his tone, it still sounded cold and penetrating to Su Zhaoxue.

Su Zhaoxue's heart trembled slightly, and her grievance was even more aggravated: "I was afraid that you would leave."

She didn't even have a place to find him!

"Give it to me." Qin Zexi stretched out his hand suddenly. His broad palm and slender fingers looked extraordinarily beautiful under the clear sky.

"For what?" Su Zhaoxue's eyes still fell on those beautiful hands.


Only then did Su Zhaoxue look away, then took out her mobile phone and handed it to him.

Su Zhaoxue's lock screen password was her birthday. When she handed the phone to Qin Zexi, she was nervous and forgot to unlock it.

It wasn't until she heard Qin Zexi's phone ringing in his pocket that she looked at him incredulously.

"My phone number is saved for you. If you need anything, just call me. Don't run so fast next time."

Qin Zexi handed the phone back to her, Su Zhaoxue picked it up, and immediately asked, "How do you know my password?"

Qin Zexi looked down at her, Su Zhaoxue was already a head shorter than him, and at this moment, against the light, even if he was close, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

I just feel that even if the golden sunlight falls on his body, it can't warm the coldness emanating from him.

Su Zhaoxue started to regret it, she just untied it, it was no big deal, why did she ask him just now.

"Your birthday is on the account book, so I tried it casually."

(End of this chapter)

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