After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 900 Marriage Proposal?

Chapter 900 Marriage Proposal?
Hu Xianya looked at Han Jianfeng who was kneeling in front of her in surprise, she was so surprised that she didn't know what to say, everything was completely beyond her expectation, okay?

Originally, she thought that Han Jianfeng didn't care at all!

But at this moment, seeing him kneeling in front of her on one knee, Hu Qianya was inexplicably moved and her eyes suddenly turned red again.

Hu Qianya didn't know why she suddenly became sentimental. It seemed that her eyes were red several times in just a few hours after she came out of the hospital.

"Xianya, will you marry me?" Seeing that Hu Qianya hadn't spoken, Han Jianfeng suddenly panicked, so he asked again.

"You asked me to come to dinner, did you actually prepare this early in the morning?" Hu Xianya's voice was a little choked up, she didn't know how she felt at the moment!
But she knew, wasn't this what she had been looking forward to all this time?

When she was Wang Xuan'er, she was always envious of others, and she would have a partner who cared about herself.

It's just that at that time, she just felt that as long as she was by Han Jianfeng's side, she didn't care about anything, but now that she thought about it, why didn't she care, but she kept that care in her heart!

Han Jianfeng looked at her seriously: "Well, I know you care, and I want to give you a formal marriage proposal. When you married me last time, you didn't experience this, so what you want this time, I'll give it all to you."

"Xianya, before I met you, I thought that I would never love someone so passionately in my life, but after I met you, I realized that sometimes people's feelings are really not what you want Can be controlled."

"I used to be very afraid that I would like you, even after I realized that I would like you, I was surprised, even panicked, so I deliberately kept a distance from you, and deliberately wanted to alienate you."

"But the more it was like this, the deeper and deeper I was. Until later, when I thought it over, I figured it out, and when I wanted to keep you by my side, I realized it was too late."

"So this time, Xianya, please trust me and give me your hand with confidence. I will definitely hold you tightly and keep walking. Xianya, please give me one more chance to marry you." Give me."

After Han Jianfeng finished speaking, he reached out and took the ring out of the box, then lifted it up and handed it to Hu Xianya.

There were tears in Hu Xianya's eyes. It would be a lie to say that she was not moved. She was also surprised, even pleasantly surprised, that Han Jianfeng would say such a thing.

Biting her lip, Hu Xianya slowly stretched out her right hand: "Since you are so sincere, then I will trust you again. If you dare to treat me badly again this time, I will buy the biggest one." I will let you kneel down on the durian at home every day."

"Okay, as ordered."

Han Jianfeng was overjoyed, and hurriedly pinched Hu Xianya's hand, and then put the ring on her ring finger, as if he was afraid that Hu Xianya would go back on his word.

Han Jianfeng's appearance amused Hu Xianya, she couldn't help but laughed, and following her laughter, rose petals fell all over the sky, and amidst cheers from around, Han Jianfeng stood up and hugged him tightly. her.

(End of this chapter)

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