After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 902 Ou Ruting Do You Want Face

Chapter 902 Ou Ruting Do You Want Face

"Can't you come if it's okay?"

To be honest, Ou Ruting really couldn't accept Han Jianfeng's attitude, but Ou Ruting came here to pretend to be pitiful and beg for sympathy. Even if she listened to Han Jianfeng's words, she was full of discomfort, but she still didn't show any expression. When speaking, the tone is weak and pitiful, as if he has been wronged by the sky.

"Since it's all right, why did you stop my car? After going in and being locked up for a few days, something went wrong with your mind?"

It's just that no matter how pitiful Ou Ruting is pretending to be at the moment, as long as Han Jianfeng thinks of Hu Qianya's frightened face turning pale just now, the distressed tone in his heart can't be smoothed out, and the mean words will come out naturally.

Now Ou Ruting couldn't bear it anymore, she almost cried: "Jianfeng, how can you say that about me? Could it be that you, like that group of people, feel that the Ou family is in decline and I'm not worthy of it?" Are you there yet?"

"We used to be together every day. Even if you don't want to marry me, can't you be friends?"

Ou Ruting is making progress by retreating. She knows that Han Jianfeng's focus is on Hu Xianya now. She was pregnant before, so she could do whatever she wanted because she had a child, but now that the child is gone, everything is being suppressed. After revealing it, her impression in Han Jianfeng's heart has probably been greatly reduced. Now if he is still holding on to the past and let Han Jianfeng marry her, it will definitely be impossible.

So Ou Ruting thought, the most important thing now is to change her impression in Han Jianfeng's heart, and then take the opportunity to get close to Han Jianfeng, so that she will have a chance to drive Hu Xianya away!

As long as she can stay by Han Jianfeng's side, it doesn't matter if there are ten Hu Xianyan, she, Ou Ruting, can still drive her away!
It's just that although Ou Ruting's wishful thinking is in this way, Han Jianfeng doesn't appreciate it at all!

"I don't want to be friends with you, and I don't want to see you. If you still know how to lose face, please don't disturb my life in the future, otherwise I will be BJ. I think you don't want to go in and drink tea. .”

Ou Ruting really didn't expect Han Jianfeng to be so unfeeling. Everyone used to say that Han Jianfeng was indifferent. At that time, she was full of his good points. Naturally, she didn't think it. Now that she has experienced it personally, it is really chilling. Accepted.

"Jianfeng, I know I'm wrong, I know I've done wrong things before, it's because I was confused that I did so many wrong things, but those are all because I like you, it's because I like you so much , but you always don’t respond to me, I’m anxious, I’m flustered, that’s why I couldn’t figure it out for a while and then did so many wrong things, please forgive me this time, okay, I promise I won’t do wrong in the future It's over, please forgive me, okay?"

But Han Jianfeng's attitude really made Ou Ruting flustered, she hurried up and grabbed Han Jianfeng's arm as soon as she was anxious.

Han Jianfeng retreated subconsciously, but he was not as fast as Ou Ruting.

Ou Ruting pulled him, the kind that he couldn't shake off!

"Let me go." Han Jianfeng said with a deep voice, feeling that he was on the verge of getting angry!
Ou Ruting's hand really paused, she was still a little guilty and afraid that Han Jianfeng would really get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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