After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 907 Prepare to Prepare

Chapter 907 Prepare to Prepare
Little did they know that Hu Qianyan's actions were seen by the side, as if she couldn't wait!
Lorna was so happy that she couldn't hold back her laughter, and hurriedly said: "Okay, I see, I will take care of all your births."

Hu Xianya:
God, it's going crazy!

In the second month after marriage, Hu Xianya was found out to be pregnant!

The happy Han Jianfeng couldn't close his mouth, and the entire Han family was even more nervous. Hu Xianya suddenly changed from a key care object to a heavy care object!
Such a good news, Han Jianfeng naturally wanted to tell Qin Zexi, announcing the good news and showing off!
"Our little boy is older than your girl, and now the second child is also older than yours. Qin Zexi, you have to work hard."

Han Jianfeng's words were blatantly showing off, and what's more, he was just looking for a fight!

Qin Zexi pinched the phone, and said, "I don't care if I refuel or not. Besides, Niuniu is still young, so we are not in a hurry. I have nothing else to hang up first. I have to be busy."

He couldn't be bothered to give a proud person a chance, so he hung up the phone without waiting for the other person to speak!

Coincidentally, Su Zhaoxue entered the house from the outside, and Hu Xianya also sent her a message just now, telling her the good news, so she came in and said to Qin Zexi: "Xianya just sent me a message saying that she is pregnant, I plan to visit her tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

"Don't go." Qin Zexi was frustrated, if Han Jianfeng's tail went, wouldn't it be up to the sky?
Having been with Qin Zexi for a long time, Su Zhaoxue can sense his mood at the moment with a simple sentence from him.

Glancing at him, Su Zhaoxue walked towards him, then asked with a smile, "Did Han Jianfeng call you?"

"Well, you just hung up before you came in."

Although Qin Zexi deliberately wanted to adjust his emotions, there was still a muffled smell in his voice, which could not be heard by others, but Su Zhaoxue could still hear it.

"So you're unhappy now?"

Seeing him like that, Su Zhaoxue thought it was funny!
Who would have imagined that the dignified president of the Gu family would sulk at home because of a phone call!

"No, why would I be angry because his wife is pregnant?" Qin Zexi felt embarrassed, coughed lightly, and glanced to the side, as if trying to pretend to be nonchalant to explain.

Su Zhaoxue nodded: "Oh, I'm not angry. I was thinking, since Xianya is pregnant, should we prepare for it? Now it seems that you don't care about it, so I think It’s okay to think about it, anyway, Niu Niu is finally grown up now, and it’s quite easy for me to take her with her.”


Before Su Zhaoxue could speak, Qin Zexi suddenly interrupted her!

Su Zhaoxue smiled calmly, and turned her head to look at Qin Zexi pretending to be calm: "What's the matter? If there's nothing wrong, I'll go to see Niuniu first."

As he spoke, he pretended to turn around, but before turning around, Qin Zexi suddenly pulled him back.

"Didn't you just say to prepare? Niuniu, don't look at it yet, let's prepare and prepare first!" Qin Zexi had already put his arms around her as he spoke.

"Hey, you." Su Zhaoxue never thought that his movements would be so fast, and subconsciously resisted.

(End of this chapter)

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