After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 91 Su Family

Chapter 91 Back to Su's House

Su Zhaoxue finally sneered unbearably: "Boss Su, you really know how to joke, how could you and I be a family, and forget what we said so quickly? Do you want me to remind you?"

Su Cheng's face changed in an instant, and he looked at Su Zhaoxue with a gloomy displeasure.

Su Zhaoxue knew that the reason why Su Cheng kept smiling at her was because Qin Zexi was here.

At this moment, she slapped him in the face mercilessly, no wonder he was happy.

At this time, he didn't jump up to give her a slap, he had endured a lot.

In the past, Su Zhaoxue didn't dare to refute him, it was because she still had some expectations for him, thinking that he was her father after all, even if Mei Hong used improper means to conceive her and gave birth to her down.

But they are father and daughter who are related by blood. From this point of view, he still has some affection for her.

These are just her whims, in his heart, only Su Zhen is worthy of being his daughter, and she is just a bastard who was used by others and born.

"Since you have self-knowledge, why don't you hurry up and get out." Lin Qingya suddenly came down the stairs, her face, which was originally well-maintained, was now full of wrinkles, "I don't know where your faces come from. , actually went to register.”

"Qingya, you go up first." Although Su Cheng was angry, he didn't want to make the atmosphere too tense.

Lin Qingya couldn't bear it anymore this time, and stared at Su Cheng: "Why did I go up, these two people bullied me to the door, are you still going to swallow it? Do you still think that Xiao Zhen is your daughter?"

"Isn't Zhaoxue my daughter too?" Su Cheng's eyes flickered, his lips twitched, and this was what he whispered with a guilty conscience.

Lin Qingya seemed to have heard some big joke, her eyes widened in disbelief: "Su Cheng, what you mean is that you only recognize Su Zhaoxue and not Xiao Zhenluo, since that's the case, we Divorce, go for a divorce right now."

Su Cheng didn't see it right, Lin Qingya was going to make a fuss, and it would not end well.

He hurriedly stood up, then grabbed her, and even pleaded a little: "Qingya, you are obedient, you go up first, and I will explain to you later, okay?"

"No, if you still want my wife and daughter Xiao Zhen, you can drive them out now." However, at this time, Lin Qingya lost her temper, like a child. I can't even hear the words.

Even though Su Cheng doted on Lin Qingya, but now no matter what, he had begged her nicely, but she was still making trouble.

Su Ben was originally angry because Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue gave him cold faces just now, but now that Lin Qingya made such a fuss, the anger was directly aroused.

As soon as my brain got hot, I raised my hand, and it went down with a slap!

With a crisp sound of "pop", the living room instantly became quiet!
Su Cheng reacted quickly, looking at Lin Qingya who was covering her face with disbelief, and stretched out her hands to hug her.

But before touching her hand, Lin Qingya dodged it and gave him a hard look: "Su Cheng, remember it for me, you hit me today."

(End of this chapter)

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