After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 914 Adopting Song Yiran's Child

Chapter 914 Adopting Song Yiran's Child

How could Qin Zexi not understand her purpose, and felt a little helpless: "Zhaoxue, you know that I have no other intentions. Since you came back from the hospital last time, you have been unhappy, and I can see it. You bought it some time ago Those supplements are at home and taken every day. In fact, I have no objection. I am even very happy. As long as those things are good for your health, I am willing to buy them all for you. But the key is your own mentality. , do you know?" "I know that because of the doctor's words, you feel guilty towards me, but do you know that in my heart you are much more important than the child, not to mention we still have a girl? Why do you give yourself Under such a great pressure, I really feel distressed when you look like this?"

When Qin Zexi said these words, he had already found a place to stop the car, and when he finished speaking, he took Su Zhaoxue's hand sideways, then squeezed his palm, and put it on his cheek, non-stop Mosuo gently.

"Zhaoxue, I only want you to be well, and nothing else is important to me."

In the past few days, Su Zhaoxue felt very aggrieved because of her poor health. What Qin Zexi said made her almost cry.

Looking at Qin Zexi with red eyes, Su Zhaoxue bit her lips: "But seeing how envious you are of Han Jianfeng, I feel bad."

She didn't want Qin Zexi to envy other people. Why should she envy others when she could do things by herself?

But in the end, it was she who failed to live up to expectations!

"Silly girl."

Unexpectedly, after hearing what she said, Qin Zexi couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to pinch her little face, and said in a doting tone: "I envy Han Jianfeng, but that doesn't mean I have to It's the same as him. And I have such a beautiful wife and a cute and cute daughter like Niuniu, which makes others more enviable. So promise me, don't treat yourself like before? We raise Take care of your body slowly, you can't think about taking care of your body just because you want to have a baby, if you can't take care of yourself, what will Niuniu and I do?"

Qin Zexi's heart-warming words made Su Zhaoxue's previous depression instantly dissipate. Knowing that she seemed to have caused Qin Zexi troubles during this time, but she hadn't noticed it yet, she vomited embarrassingly. Tongue, coquettishly: "I know, I won't be like this in the future."

"This is good."

Qin Zexi patted the top of her head lightly, as if treating a child.

Su Zhaoxue hid in dissatisfaction, and was about to speak when Qin Zexi's phone rang suddenly.

Not knowing what the other person said, Qin Zexi's face suddenly changed within five seconds after answering the phone, very heavy, as if he was not very happy.

Su Zhaoxue looked at him from the side and didn't dare to disturb him.

Until I heard his last sentence: "I know, let's do this first."

After hanging up the phone, Su Zhaoxue said cautiously: "Is there something wrong with the company? Why don't you go and do it first, and I'll find a place to go back by car?"

Su Zhaoxue thought that something happened to the company, so Qin Zexi suddenly changed his face when he answered the phone.

But it doesn't matter, Qin Zexi suddenly looked up at her.

(End of this chapter)

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