After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 920 What happened to the child?

Chapter 920 What happened to the child?

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran gave Su Zhaoxue a look of disdain, and then said: "It's funny that you ask this, you are also a mother yourself, and the child's illness is beyond our control. It’s not that if you’re sick, you’re sick. Then I feel bad too, but I’m not a doctor, so I can’t show it to her.”

"That child had a cough before, why didn't you see a doctor for her?" Su Zhaoxue stared at Song Yiran closely, wanting to see how many excuses she had.

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran seemed very righteous when he said it: "The child didn't have a serious cough before. Who would let a newborn child see a doctor?"


Su Zhaoxue couldn't help chuckling: "If it's not serious, it can develop into pneumonia in just a few days? How do you think pneumonia comes from? Just get sick and can develop into pneumonia? The child has cough and fever for at least three days, three days You didn't say anything, and you didn't let anyone take the doctor to see the child, Song Yiran, what are you thinking, do you think we are all fools?"

What Su Zhaoxue said made Song Yiran panic!

As for the reason for the panic, it's not because Su Zhaoxue said everything to the point!

The child did cough for several days, and also had a fever for several days!

The reason why Song Yiran didn't say anything was because she deliberately caused the child's illness.

The purpose is very simple, that is, they want them to take this child out and bring him back home to raise him.

This child is related to Mr. Gu's blood, so she doesn't believe that Mr. Gu will ignore this child.

After she goes out, the child has grown up and gained a foothold in the Gu family, so she can naturally use the child to return to the Gu family again.

"Su Zhaoxue, Niuniu seems to have been sick before, so can I also say that you deliberately put laxatives in Niuniu's milk powder in order to drive me out, so as to achieve the purpose of framing me?"

But Song Yiran is Song Yiran after all, and it seems so natural when he talks about distorting the facts.

Song Yiran simply had no excuses to find, so he found such an excuse to turn the truth upside down.

"Song Yiran, black can't become white, and white can't become black. Even if you say it now, the fact is the truth, and it's impossible for you to make excuses and not become the truth."

Su Zhaoxue was a little angry, angry that Song still used Niuniu to speak out, and what was even more angry was that she was able to speak out so calmly about what she had done to Niuniu back then.

"The child is yours. She is sick. Except for you as a mother, I don't think anyone else will feel sorry for her. You want to use her. None of us can blame you for this. You are a child after all. Mom, whether you want to give your child a good living environment or have other purposes, we have nothing to do with it."

"But whether the child will blame you, hate you, or even hate having a mother like you when he grows up, I'm afraid it's really hard to say."

"Su Zhaoxue, don't be cynical here. Even if the child resents me and hates me, then I will admit it. Why should the Gu family's property and everything in the Gu family fall into your hands? My child and I are the Gu family people, so we also have a share in the Gu family's property. Why do you eat, drink, and live well, but we have to suffer. "

(End of this chapter)

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