After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 922 Not allowed to move out

Chapter 922 Not allowed to move out

"Then go back first."

Su Zhaoxue paused for a moment, glanced at the child on the hospital bed, and finally made up her mind!
She couldn't let herself make concessions just because she felt sorry for the child. Song was still like a time bomb, and more things might happen at any time because of her momentary soft-heartedness.

After returning to Gu's house, as expected, Mr. Gu had someone wait for them. Su Zhaoxue went to see Niuniu, so Qin Zexi went there alone.

When they came back, it was almost noon, and Niu Niu had a very regular schedule. The little guy had already had lunch and fell asleep.

A servant came over and asked Su Zhaoxue if he wanted to eat. Su Zhaoxue thought about Qin Zexi who was still in the old man's room, so she replied, "Wait."

After the servant left, Qin Zexi came back!
"Huh, so fast?" Su Zhaoxue was still surprised when she saw Qin Zexi appear.

"Yeah." Qin Zexi nodded, but his face was not very good.

Su Zhaoxue noticed the clue, so she got up and walked over: "What's wrong? Did Grandpa say anything?"

Qin Zexi glanced at her, and then said: "Grandpa won't let us move out, saying that he is going to find a place for Song Yiran's child to live outside, and then find someone to take care of the child."

"And after a while, find another reason to bring the child back?"

Su Zhaoxue was not surprised by Qin Zexi's words anymore. Mr. Gu always liked to play this trick, and he was not like this with Song before.

After hearing Su Zhaoxue's words, Qin Zexi smiled: "It seems that you know Grandpa very well."

Su Zhaoxue was originally in a bad mood after hearing Qin Zexi's words, but now she was amused by Qin Zexi's words.

"Can I not understand, the old man likes to use this trick many times before, and I don't know what to say about him."

"So I didn't agree this time." Qin Zexi nodded in agreement.

"Then grandpa didn't cry, make trouble and hang himself?" Su Zhaoxue was really curious about grandpa's attitude.

Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows: "Then what do you think?"

"I think there should be."

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing.

"Then you still ask." Qin Zexi patted Su Zhaoxue's forehead pamperingly.

Su Zhaoxue stuck out her tongue, then hid, and said: "Then what should I do? Grandpa is not in good health now, if we insist on moving out, when he gets angry and anxious, his condition will directly get worse ok, so what should we do?"

Qin Zexi pondered for a while, and finally said: "Zhaoxue, don't worry about it. Grandpa is in poor health, and that's what he asked for. He insists on taking the child over. There's nothing he can do about it. It's a big deal. In the future, we will often come back to see his old man."

Qin Zexi knew that Su Zhaoxue was soft-hearted and worried about her grandfather's health, and she was afraid that she would be wronged in the end, so this time, before Su Zhaoxue made a decision, she took the initiative to speak for her.

"Well, that's the only way. Anyway, I can't think of a better way now."

Although Su Zhaoxue was worried about the old man's health, and felt that it was inappropriate for her to insist on moving out, but hearing what Qin Zexi said, she felt relieved.

If the old man insists on taking the child back, it can only show that these are all his choices!

(End of this chapter)

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