After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 930 You dare to bully my daughter-in-law?

Chapter 930 You dare to bully my daughter-in-law?
If it's really Yumu's head, can she let her hear Sister Shuangshuang's tone?
If it's Yumu's head, can he go buy medicine for Sister Shuangshuang?

I don't know if her brother is tired of dressing high and cold all day long. He can handle Sister Shuangshuang with a smile, but he likes to hang her.

I just don't know if in the future, this daughter-in-law will return home or hang in someone else's arms.

Recently, there has been a lot of rumors in Chengnan High School that Han Zhiyi, the monitor of Class A, has a puppy love, and the lover of his puppy love is the school beauty of Chengnan High School, that is, Jiang Xiaohui, the cultural and entertainment committee member of Class C.

What's more, the rumors still have noses and eyes. Why did someone see the two of them dating in the school's grove?

You must know that some time ago, when Jiang Xiaohui handed her a love letter to Han Zhiyi, Qin Shuangshuang just tore it up in front of the whole school, and even said that Han Zhiyi and her had baby relatives in front of the whole school.

It's only been a few days, and it's been rumored that Jiang Xiaohui and Han Zhiyi are in love!Didn't this slap Qin Shuangshuang in the face!
Naturally, when everyone was concerned about whether Han Zhiyi and Jiang Xiaohui were really in a relationship, they also turned their eyes to Qin Shuangshuang.

However, Qin Shuangshuang has a carefree character. Although the rumors spread with nose and eyes, she didn't see it with her own eyes, so she naturally didn't believe it.

Eat what you should drink, and don't listen to other gossip!
She doesn't believe it, but it doesn't mean that someone won't look for her!No, Qin Shuangshuang was stopped at the door of the classroom after school that day, Jiang Xiaohui looked at her with disgust: "Qin Shuangshuang, weren't you very good before, you tore up my love letter in front of the whole school, Say that Han Zhiyi and you have baby relatives, and you don't even look at yourself, it's like a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

"Let me tell you, even if you have a baby kiss with Han Zhiyi, so what? It doesn't matter what age you are now. Han Zhiyi doesn't look down on you at all. He's dating me now. do you know."

After Jiang Xiaohui finished speaking, she patted Qin Shuangshuang's round face with a mocking smile: "Before you go out next time, please look in the mirror, and walk beside Han Zhiyi without looking at your fat and ugly appearance." , everyone thought you were the daughter of his nanny, so I advise you, roll as far as you can, and don't show yourself around."

"You're talking nonsense, brother Zhiyi won't fall in love with you."

Qin Shuangshuang didn't care about Jiang Xiaohui's satirical words at all, and only thought about Jiang Xiaohui's words that they were in love.

"Hehe, Qin Shuangshuang, you really don't cry when you see the coffin."

Jiang Xiaohui laughed, "Since you don't believe it, then I'll make you believe it."

Qin Shuangshuang felt that his brain was really broken, so he listened to Jiang Xiaohui's words and followed her to the roller skating rink.

This roller skating rink is quite far from their school, it is near another school, and it is school time, so there are quite a lot of students in the roller skating rink, and the inside is not very bright, except for a few spotlights that are constantly on. Apart from shaking, there is no other lighting.

Jiang Xiaohui disappeared as soon as she came in. The music inside was so loud that Qin Shuangshuang's mind was going to explode. She felt a little regretful, and turned around and wanted to leave here.

(End of this chapter)

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